Finally the bell rang and a short Asian-American lady walked in. Her black hair was short, hanging a few inches past her ears. She might be smaller than the average human, but man she looked intimidating.

I didn't really pay attention to what she said. Something along the lines her expectations of this class for the year and what supplies you'll need. It was all the same for the rest if my classes.

I found an available lunch table outside of the cafeteria

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I found an available lunch table outside of the cafeteria. In the fresh open air which was much needed at this point. For only being gone for a year, I really didn't recognize anyone and they didn't recognize me. Thank god, my plan actually might work.

I pushed my headphone into my ear. Played some simple Marina and the Diamonds, and opened up my laptop. Catching up on what's happening with Rebecca in Italy.

She sent some pictures through email of the beautiful country. As I looked through them, there was one photo that caught my eye. It was a photograph of Rome, but in a more modern style. Like those classic photos of New York that are all over tumblr. I couldn't help, but stare at it for awhile, admiring it's beauty. With a quick google search, I found the photograph. My heart dropped when I saw the price and I slowly closed my laptop. All the ideas I imagined on where I could place it in my room flew out the nearest window. Shattering when it hit the ground.

While I was mentally crying, in the corner of my eye I saw the jocks sitting at the table across from mine. Crowding around the circle table, fitting as many people as they could. Most of the cheerleaders were sitting on their, what I hope we're, boyfriends laps. Felt bad if their leg went to sleep. That tingling-stinging feeling sucks.

"What happened to her?" I heard one of the cheerleaders whisper whole the walked past me. Eyeing my head, reminding me that I had a bloody bandaid on my forehead.

"Glad I don't have that." The other chick replied back. Obvious she had no idea how to whisper.

I got up from my chair and began walking away. Only to find myself ramming into someone who threw their food all over me. I pauses in my footsteps.

"Oh my god!" The person I rammed into said. "Watch where you're going!"

I wiped the nacho cheese sauce from my eyes (they were serving nachos today) and looked at who hit me. Of course it would be the same redheaded girl I've seen with Blake all day. Not that I was watching Blake, it's not my fault he's in almost all my classes. Didn't know a jock could take so many AP and honor classes and still play football. That's really stereotypical of me, but I barely have time to do all the homework. How could he?

"Maybe I should be saying the same thing to you." I glare.

"I'm so scared." She said sarcastically. After sending me a glare, she began to laugh at me while walking away to go join her cheerleaders who probably follow her like a lost puppy.

I mentally checked off two things that could go wrong on the first day of school. Well three because there's no way someone gonna become friends with cheese girl here. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the paper towels to help clean off all this cheese. I'm not even a fan of cheese, so this probably sucks even more. I checked myself out in the mirror. Apparently the lunch ladies here soak their nachos in cheese because it covered my whole face and parts of my hair.

Once I got the last part of cheese out of my eyebrow, I opened up my bag in hopes to find some perfume. I didn't have perfume. Lovely, now imma smell like cheese all day.

I sighed, checking the time. No point on walking all the way back to the lunchroom now.

I sat on the floor and pulled my phone out. Dialing Rebecca on a messenger app so we won't be charged for oversea calling.

"Hello?" Her voice echoed in the speaker.

"I'm covered in cheese." I tell her.

"Oh my god." I heard her gasp. "I need details."

"Where do I start?" I say. "Well this redhead cheerleaders rammed into me with her nachos. Getting cheese all over me. I don't even think there were any on her. It's like she threw it on me."

"Redhead cheerleader?" Rebecca asked. "As in Tara Tason redhead cheerleader."

"I have no idea who that is."

"Satan himself." She jokes. "Just add devil horns and you got the exact same thing."

"So I'm guessing not to get on her bad side?" I ask.

"Unless you have a death wish."

"Well. Too late for that then."

A couple girls came in laughing. Saw me and stopped. I looked up while they left the restroom.

"One more class then I can leave this place." I tell her.

"Anything to mask the cheese smell?" She asks as if she could smell it through the phone.

"Yeah. No."

"I'm so sorry." She says in the most sincere voice she could do.

The bell rang indicating lunch was over. "I'll talk to you later."

"Have fun!" She yelled.

"If only I liked cheese," I joke. Trying to make the best out of this whole thing.

Where The Time Has Gone || UNEDITEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें