Author's note.

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Hey there lovely people,

This is just a message of gratitude for some people.

- First of all my crazy sister ( she knows I'm talking about her when she reads this) who has been a huge encouragement and probably read this book five-six times. I love you so much sis.

- Next my friend who introduced me to Wattpad. Thanks for making me addicted to this. Normal people get addicted to coffee, food or so on and I get addicted to Wattpad. I think you're amazing, if you ever do read this.

- @mentalxreject : For being my Watty sister and also very encouraging. Her comments make me laugh. I love how much patience you have to listen to me Dee.

- @NarumiJung : Inge, I love you babe. Your comments are my favourite and I love how much you ship  . . . Kason :P lol. I think you are Amazing and making you Jason's girl was the least I could do.

- @Shirsha : For always supporting me and reading my works. For correcting me whereever possible and being the awesome girl that she is. I love you hun <3

-Intricate_Introvert, Danosaursrock, AsmaShaikh : For all the lovely votes and support :)

- For all those of you who have voted for me and followed the story. You people are absolutely amazing and I love all of you. I;m sorry I haven't mentioned you but I hope whenever you do read this, you know that there is a girl sitting in her room crying from gratitude at your enthusiasm and comments.

- My parents who are my world.

- My brother ( I hate him but oh well why not) (Okay, okay I love him a lot *scowl*)

So I'm done with the crying and that was the end of 20 Wishes of Maple Woods on 18 th March 2014 :)

I love you all


20 Wishes of Maple Woods [Currently Rewriting] ✓Where stories live. Discover now