Letting go . . .

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“Jason, we have some good news for you,” Heather smiled warmly at her son.

Maple scrutinized her carefully - shining hair, glowing face, radiant eyes, bigger breasts, constant stomach touching, retching noises in the morning, taste for weird food, emotional blackmails . . . could it be?

 “I’m pregnant.”

Hell yeah.

Jason stared at his mother in mock horror and slowly his expressions switched to pure joy. He was going to be an elder brother? Oh the joys! Hadn’t he constantly envisioned being able to take care of someone younger all the while being able to share sibling love. The fact that soon the jingle of baby laughter would fill the deafening silence of their huge mansion enriched his heart with euphoria.

He clasped Maple’s hand tightly and pulled her roughly out of his mother’s grasp.

“Quick we need to do a lot of shopping. Write down all the baby stores you can come across while I make a list of the things to be brought. There is no time to waste sidekick.”

Maple had been trying to escape the ruthlessness of being trapped in shopping. She was undergoing a phase where the same sent jitters of unpleasantness in her mind. The word ‘sidekick’ erased all the thoughts in her head.

“Excuse me ‘captain’, I have to go finish ‘Tom Sawyer’. Why don’t you go find another of those minions?” she hissed at him.

“But who would be as hot as you doll? See everybody needs a hot chick on the side. Spiderman, Mr. Smith, Archer . . . wait I can’t do this alone. Please,” he squeaked making a puppy face.

And thus they went shopping.


It had been six months now. Heather Saunders was clearly showing and so were her tantrums. She kept every member of their group busy with one thing or the other.

Jason had painted a nursery - pink and lathered the room with toys. There was a window that let sunlight pour in and accomplish its job. The pram was just a little away to keep the baby aware of the outside as well as keep direct sun rays away. Everyday either Jason or Maple would sneak in a new toy they had brought for the lucky kid. There were dolls, teddy-bears, stuffed animals, picture books, blocks, puzzles, crayons and what not that would be classified as baby paradise.

The whole household was in uproar but none more than Jason. He could be seen telling any audience he could get about his baby sister. Half the dates he had during that time were due to admiration of his love. Maple, many a time, had gagged at the way the girls cooed and made gooey eyes around him. That boy knew how to pull the right strings alright.




The duo looked at each other ridiculously. It wasn’t everyday that they met at three in the night in the middle of nowhere.

“What are you doing here?” Maple yawned at Mr. Saunders.

“Well I’d like to ask you the same question young lady. Heather is in one of her moods. She kicked me out of the house to get her some drinks. What about you?”

“Jason kicked me out to get him some ice cream. He’s worried about Alison,” Maple said cringing as her uncle flared up.

“What is wrong with that boy? He’s sending a girl out in the night, amidst all the dangers she could face without a second thought? That boy needs a thrashing. Go home and tell him to stop acting like a pregnant woman.”

20 Wishes of Maple Woods [Currently Rewriting] ✓Where stories live. Discover now