Mushy - Mushy

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I want to kiss a guy in the rain.

“Is that the book worm in you speaking?” Jason quirked his eyebrows, amused. “I don’t get why girls want kisses in the rain. Kiss is a kiss after all.”

“Jay, why don’t you talk to my hand while I go do something worthwhile with my life,” Maple retorted.

“Oh babe, you never get tired of showing how much you love me, I love you too. So do you think I’d be a better batman or superman?”

 “Why don’t you be a cat woman?”

“Hmm . . . not a bad proposition but I really doubt the cat woman costume would suit me. I’m a guy, that thing is way too tight for my comfort.”

“First of all, I can’t even believe you are considering this. Second, I bid your leave as I have a book to read.”

Jason watched her go towards the window wall and plonk down on the sofa. She picked up a book entitled ‘The Billionaire’s Submissive – The Billionaire’s heart’ by Ava Claire. He really wanted to annoy her with the submissive part but Maple was in a sour mood. It was better to leave her alone. After last night’s recall, it was justifiable.

Later that evening, he saw her gazing at her book in oblivion.

“Maple, do you think if I strive to be a president, I could be one?”

“Jason, do you think if I strive to be a fairy, I could be one?”

“If you really put your heart into being one, yes,” he replied unfazed.

“You have your answer,” she replied back equally unfazed.

“Go meet him Maps,” he said softly.

She glared at him. She didn’t want a whole argument about meeting someone unnamed again. This was exhausting her out.

“We both know that’s what you want. Maps, he’s travelled a lot to be here with you. Just give him a chance to explain . . .” Jason spoke gently.

“Explain what Jay? How will he expound on the fact that he never cared to call me? Will he be able to eradicate all the agony he has throw at me with mere words or apologies? What do you want Jason. I’m happy. Just chuck it.”

“Maple, please just for me. Stop being a drama queen and just go talk.”

“Fine! “



Kunal sat on the ground, pulling out pieces of grass. He had no idea what to do next. For all that mattered he wasn’t even sure if Maple would come meet him. Jason had texted him confirming she was going to meet him there but he knew Maple. She was mad at him and why not he had hurt her after all.

Someone cleared their throat.

He looked up and gasped.

Maple was standing in the traditional Indian clothes called kurta-pyjama. She had a colourful dupatta draped across her neck. . The white kurta, hung close to her curvaceous frame. Her hair was tied back in a long braid reaching beyond her knees. She looked very much local though the velvety, fair skin was a giveaway to her real identity.

“You looked beautiful,” Kunal said to her making her blush crimson.

“I err . . . thanks,” she mumbled looking away.

“Maple, I . . .”

“So you have started smoking again?”

Kunal raised an eyebrow in question. She pointed towards his yellow nails and he clenched his fists together. He gave her a curt nod. She sighed with the loss of words. In her head, a long string of sentences had been structured but in reality she couldn’t be that brave.

20 Wishes of Maple Woods [Currently Rewriting] ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن