Rolling in money...

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I want to rob a bank.

Jason was on top of Maple holding her hands tightly with one hand while the other was tickling her. His eyes fell on the paper and stayed paralyzed on the words. Maple had been squirming under his weight, trying to get away but she was blatantly ignored.

She tried to twist and see what had shocked Jason but it was to no avail.

Finally he sat up and put his arms behind supporting his body weight. He ruffled his hair by lifting one of his hands and looked expectantly at her with one eyebrow quirked up.

“So Miss recently-turned-vagabond, what’s all this eh?”

She looked confused so he pointed at the abandoned paper. Her eyes widened.

“This is . . . err actually funny story Jay. There was this big giraffe that flew into my room and forced me to write this down. He said he’d hunt my family down if I didn’t do this for him. Yeah that’s what happened.”

“You do know you said a giraffe flew into your room, don’t you?” he suppressed a chuckle.

“What no. Go get your ears checked. Don’t you know - giraffes can’t fly. Even if I was drunk, I wouldn’t say something so outrageous.”

“Right. So all that searching for Tony Stark and Harry Potter crap, some days back, was totally sane? Anyways chuck that away. This wish is kinda tough Maps. I’ll have to think a lot.”

“Which is such a difficult task for you babe as your brain is full of chicks. So let’s leave it to the brainy people here.”

“Yeah cool. But I don’t see any around.”

She punched his arm lightly. He got up and brushed the dust from his behind.

“So I got a . . .”

“A date? I know. I actually sent ‘I love you and wanna date you’ to all your contacts,” Maple replied keeping a straight face.

“Holy hell, no wonder there were so many crazy messages. There were even guys asking me out. I thought I’d done something awesome at school, like I always do. Wait a sec . . . you out of your mind, stupid? Do you have any idea how humiliated I was?” Jason yelled at her.

“See that was the plan, clever pants”

 Jason took hold of her hairs and yanked them hard. She screamed in anger and threw a kick at the place where guys usually are targeted at. Not for anything had she learned judo when she was ten.

Jason fell down in agony. She blew him a kiss and skipped away to go shopping.


Maple tapped his shoulder.

He ignored her.

She tapped again.

“Dude, relax. I’m just watching ‘Public Enemies’, to plan for our epic robbery,” he mumbled at her clearly distracted by the movie.

Isn't that the one with Johnny Depp? Are you kidding me?” Maple shrieked and pushed Jason off the chair to stare at the monitor. She gasped when Johnny Depp as John Dillinger came in the scene. She waved her hands like a crazed girl and screamed, startling Jason.

He got up rubbing his back only to be pulled down by the collar by a frantic Maple.

“Just freaking look at him Jay. He’s a legend. He’s the best . . .”

“. . . there is and ever will be. Yes, I know! You have said that a million times now. Get your hot ass away now; I have to see ‘The Dark Knight’ for the Joker’s robbery scene.”

20 Wishes of Maple Woods [Currently Rewriting] ✓Where stories live. Discover now