Lights, Camera, Actions!

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Have a movie night with the town people in the Krystal Local Park.

“Huh? What does this mean?” Jason scratched his head in confusion.

“Well, I remember we used to have these town nights once a month where everyone would meet up and enjoy. It was so much fun and I thought why not to rekindle that tradition?”

“Are you serious? There I thought your last wish would range around jumping from the Empire State to getting pregnant by me.”

Maple snorted. “Pregnant by you? I’d rather discard clothes for the rest of my life.”

“Interesting. And you make a deal on that?”

Maple hit him on the head with a shirt. She was cleaning her room. Yesterday Jason had got drunk and wrecked her whole place. Then stripped naked, pushed her off the bed and fallen asleep.

“Shut up and clean. It’s your fault in the first place,” she grumbled at him.

“For what’s it worth, I’d make an amazing father. If I have a boy he’ll be lucky to get training on how to be hot. He’d get glorious abs like me and exclusive flirting tips which Uncle Ken taught me. If I have a daughter, she’ll have the hottest dad on this planet. All the guys would run after her and then worship me. Man, I’m awesome! Maple?”

She had rolled her eyes at his vanity and left the room long back.


“You are invited tomorrow at the park. Please visit Mrs Weston,” Maple smiled at the old lady. She remembered plucking flowers from her garden along with Jason and then being scolded by Illeana Woods when Mrs Weston would complain. They loved to see the crazy-hair lady get angry. Now the frail old woman was like a grandmother to both the kids.

It had been two hours now. Both had been cycling around handing out the invitation for tomorrow’s night out. After this was done they had a long list to shop for decoration and for their mothers’ requirements. Illeana and Heather had agreed quite eagerly to cook food for everyone.  It was quite a lot but the ladies already handled a catering business so it was more a fun activity than anything else.

They stopped at Old Mackenzie’s house. That man had constantly grumbled and loathed all children. So obviously Jason and Maple had done everything in their power to annoy him. He had died a few years back leaving his book collection to an ecstatic Maple and bike to an enthusiastic Jason. Both had been touched by the gesture and paid monthly visits to his grave.

“Do you think anyone stays here?” Jason asked.

“I heard his daughter moved in some while ago. I think we should invite her as well.”

“But we’re only inviting the people we know, right?”

Maple frowned. They basically knew the whole town thanks to never moving out of there. Their town was any ways a small tight knit community where everyone knew the other.

“Let’s not be mean. It won’t be nice if she found out later.” She got down and started walking past the mailbox with the address ‘15-B, Mackenzie Den, Trentville’. “C’mon Jay, get your lazy bums off the cycle and come.”

They knocked on the door. Maple looked around at the neat garden and the clean front path. Looking at the current condition of the house she was pleased that the new tenant wasn’t untidy like Old Mackenzie had been.

There was a shuffling from inside and someone opened the door. By the looks of it the lady was around seven-months pregnant. She had the brown-twinkly eyes of Mackenzie, raven-black hair tied up behind in a bun and rosy cheeks. The smile that she gave them was the prettiest both had ever seen. She had a kind look and a jolly voice.

20 Wishes of Maple Woods [Currently Rewriting] ✓Where stories live. Discover now