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A swim in the Ocean.

“What is it?” Jason asked her for the tenth time that day.

“I won’t be telling you. We had a deal.”

“Like really Maps? You know I don’t keep deals. Either you tell me or I will tell our parents that you raped me.”

She rolled her eyes and waved her hand to tell him to go.

“I’ll tell them we had sex,” he replied triumphantly.

“Mom knows so that means dad and Aunt Heather know. The only person left is poor Uncle. If you have the guts to tell him, be my guest.”


“Duh buddy, you know very well a girl can’t keep a secret for more than a week,” Kunal interjected and went back to reading. “Hey Maps, you got any more Jeffery Archer’s?”

Maple threw him the book. “Here sexist.”

“Oh no, I am the sexist,” Jason grinned.

Kunal and Maple gave each other a knowing look. This was so typical Jason.

“Do you even know the meaning?” Maple asked him.

“Yeah, it’s someone who is very sexy” Jason replied shrugging.

She threw a dictionary at him willing him to read. He gave her are-you-kidding-me look but against his wishes, flipped open the book.

“Oh God, How do you search on this thing?”

Maple chuckled. Kunal scooted over to the edge of the bed and held his phone out for Jason who read it and smirked.

“You think I really don’t know the meaning? Are you guys insane? This is like English, I know English. And now no one is listening to me. I’m ignored so much that it breaks my poor heart. You know there are millions of girls waiting out there to take Jason. Believe me if someone wrote about me Maple, you’d be crying for another Jason because babes I’ll be busy with the fan following. I could defeat your one- direc . . . Ouch! Alright, I see I’m not needed in the lover’s den. So I’ll go hook myself a girl.”

Still ignored he left the room fuming. Maple was busy with her phone after all she had to make arrangements for their nineteenth wish. The ends were always the worst part. Somehow, she booked the tickets two days later so as to extend their time. Two more weeks and their summer break would be over. Then it was all college craze. She smiled realizing that Kunal was reading the book upside down probably trying to impress her. How was she so lucky to have two amazing guys loving her as they did? She didn’t deserve either for breaking their hearts constantly.

But she had no choice.


“Ah! I always love the sound of water.”

Jason stretched to relax his sore muscles. He’d woken up to find himself in a speeding boat. At first it seemed as if the blonde he’d been flirting with at MacDonald’s had kidnapped him but he had heard Maple singing.

“Why the fudge are you driving? Where is the captain? I didn’t know you could? What next maps? Planes?”

“Good morning Sherlock. The control is downstairs, I’m just stirring. It’s quite easy and bloody hell Jay; you own this freaking boat so very well know how to handle these things. We don’t need anybody.”

“Where are we?” he ruffled his hair. Unlike Maple, it never freaked him to wake up in a strange place after all drinking gives you a lot of practise and Jason was one hell of a drinker.

20 Wishes of Maple Woods [Currently Rewriting] ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz