Bookworm's don't get enough of books!

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"You can't get enough of books, can you Maple? You already have like a thousand books and now you want to visit a place filled with those things?" Jason looked at her incredulously. This was exactly what he did not need. To be in an enclosed space surrounded with god knows how many books! Those things had always horrified him. He loved to exaggerate on this phobia to such a range that at times he'd even say that at night people looked for monsters under the bed but he looked for books.

"I just thought . . . wished . . . you said . . . " Maple mumbled.

He sighed. This was her wish and even if it broke his soul he'd still take her there.

"Pack your bags baby doll. We're going to London!"

Her eyes lit up and that was all Jason needed to see to make it worthwhile. He pulled out his phone to arrange everything while Maple started ranting about the things they would do there. It seemed she'd pre-planned everything. It wasn't much but just involved a lot, a hell lot of reading.

They got on the bike to drive back home. The Woods would have arranged the dinner by now. The Saunders would be down at their place helping. They reached around eight and Maple pushed Jason away while running like a maniac and shouting over her shoulder that the last one would have to clean the dishes tonight. They both tumbled inside the kitchen, shoes drenched with mud, only to be shooed out by two horrified hygiene-loving mothers.

Finally all of them sat at the dinner table. Mrs Heather Saunders, a plump woman with an air of hospitality around her, looked around proudly with her brown eyes twinkling and began reciting the prayer.

Jason's stomach had been growling like a dying whale. With everyone's eyes closed he snuck out a hand to grab a piece of bread. Maple knew very well what was happening so without even opening her eyes she hit his hand. He growled while she grinned mischievously.

"You may begin your dinner now," Mrs. Saunders replied, her usual homely smile lighting up and stretching her chubby cheeks.

At the head of the table sat Maple's father. Kenneth Woods was nothing short of a model. In fact he had been the typical lust-worthy, chick-magnet during his high school years. With dirty-blonde untidy hair, piercing blue eyes, broad shoulders with his chest muscles accentuating his shirt and a drool worthy grin, this man had everything to attract any woman on this planet. Maple used to feel embarrassed taking him to school and also a tad bit proud. It wasn't only the teachers and students but also the principal herself who couldn't help but give in to their natural urges by flirting with him. However to Mr. Woods only three women mattered - his wife, his daughter and Mrs. Saunders. During his college days he'd been the condescending guy with his ego bigger than his pants. It was only when he stumbled across Ileana Sty that a change occurred in him. The flirt, bully, boastful, dumb and player boy now became the sweetest and the most caring person in the world. Ileana with her natural shyness and earthly beauty had him around her little finger in no time. Right now she sat on his right, lovingly serving him the gravy she'd worked on all evening.

On his left sat Adrian Saunders. It was a surprise to many that Mr. Woods would be friends with such a man but they'd been buddies since high school. A drunken night and a big misunderstanding is what took for the two to form a bond which was in plain words 'unbreakable.' But this was nothing compared to what people went through when they were told Jason was his son. Jason resembled nothing of him but looked more like Mr. Woods. However if it hadn't been for the crooked nose, the ears popping out a little bit and that little mole on the left side of both their upper lips, God knows what would have saved his grace. He was plump like his wife and stout. The honey-brown hair which even Jason had was slowly receding, making his forehead look wider. Just like his wife he was jolly and content with life.

20 Wishes of Maple Woods [Currently Rewriting] ✓Where stories live. Discover now