His wish her command.

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He clutched her dark raven hair while her fingers entangled around his honey-brown mop. They seemed to be having a tug of war. A pair of coffee brown eyes met another pair of light brown ones. Both the faces were flushed and inches apart, supporting frowns.

"Ow! Your bloody nails are digging potholes in my scalp!"

"Who told you to start a fight?"

He glared at her and she grinned mischievously.

Their fingers ruffled the shape of their hairstyles. He let go. If there was anything in this world he adored more than her it was his hairs and to lose them over a silly battle seemed ludicrous. She smiled in triumph but that was short-lived. With a cry of war he set himself upon her, tickling at those sensitive spots on the sides of her tummy. She laughed like a maniac and tried to kick him away but to no avail.

They fell on the bean bag and he kept his activity on.

"You agree?"

Breathless and begging she finally accepted. After all when did he ever not get his way?

He got up and pulled his shirt down. Ruffling his hair and giving her a final grin he turned around to leave.

"Pick you at 8:00. Wear something sexy baby," he said standing for a moment at the balcony and then slid down the side pipe on the right-hand side. The usual way they entered and exited.

Maple got up with a sigh and went to empty her cupboard out. She wasn't much into clothes that highlighted her curvy figure and made her more girly. Rather t-shirts, shorts, sneakers, jeans and everything baggy was what made her life. He knew that so well yet he demanded the impossible. If she backed down now there would be no end to misery.

Jason Saunders, with this so called trending 'bad boy' persona and sinister ways, had been her best friend since they learnt to speak. He was very active and soon with all that sports and exercise she was positive of his muscles getting pronounced. If having chocolate coloured eyes that many a time got any work done, the aquiline nose, that heart-shattering smile that stretched his kissable lips and the way he spiked his hair wasn't enough, all he needed was a sculpted body to seal the deal.

Chuckling she hit herself lightly on the head. Jason would have had a great laugh if he ever came to know she was thinking about him this way. No, he wasn't perfect for her and the thought of falling 'in' love with him, made her sick. She was sure the feelings were mutual.

Contrary to the world concept they were best friends. They had such a relationship that the limit of shyness and embarrassment had long been crossed. There weren't any secrets latent and they were well-acquainted with each other's actions and emotions.

Maple Woods was a dedicated book-worm and lived in a realm of fantasy. Some would call her attractive but she wasn't much a social butterfly for people to judge her.

Contrasting to Jason's cool temperament and smart ways she was quiet short-tempered and at times dumb. 

The most striking feature of hers and the one that Jason simply adored was - her hair. The black abyss fell down right to her knees and ended in ringlets. It had the shine, bounce and the texture which many a time had compelled Jason to let his fingers swim in the waterfall. 

Jason had a love for fun. This had landed Maple in trouble many times and today seemed like one of those times. Channing Saunders, Jason's cousin was coming to Greenwood, New York City for a day trip. Channing was a classified player and always dominated Jason. Those attractive southern features would have been more drool worthy, if it hadn't been for his condescending nature.

20 Wishes of Maple Woods [Currently Rewriting] ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora