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"Best friend is like a sacred word in every person's life. For me this word simply means Maple. We get so engrossed in our problems, our rights, our feelings that sometimes we forget the reality. Maple always makes me live in the present.

I hear people telling me about betrayal, pain, unrequited love, little or big traumas in life. Those are the moments I thank God for sending this girl to me. Granted she can't actually remove all these but she reduces them to such an extent that I can't really sob about them.

My favourite morning is waking up to her brown eyes glistening with love and my favourite night is sleeping with her body hugging me tight. I've never loved anybody as senselessly as I've loved her. 

There hasn't been a day I haven't troubled her. For every laughter that's escaped her mouth because of me- I feel proud, for every bit of pain I've caused her- I cry, for every time I've made her angry- I apologise and for every bit of love I've bestowed on her I pray that if possible- I give more. Her smiles, her tears, her joys, her cries are all mine. Every bit of her is mine. 

She's taught me a hell lot probably more than life could ever teach me. Even in my darkest moments she's held my hand and pushed me to again stand up on my two feet. She's my Maple. If I had my way I'd hold her tightly and never let her go, not with anyone.

I know I'll meet a girl who I'll fall crazily in love with but all I can say is that no matter how much I'd dote on her she will never be Maple.


"I have leukaemia?" 

He froze. He turned around slowly dreading the worst. Maple stood there with an angry expression. Her red eyes had dark circles around. Her face seemed puffy as if she'd just finished crying. Her raven black hair seemed untidy as if she'd pulled and ran her fingers through them a lot. Her body seemed fragile. All those dizzy spouts had increased. He could even make out some blood spots on her body now. 

"Maps I . . . "

"Shut the hell up and answer my question?"

Jason nodded. He didn't believe any words would leave his mouth anymore. He hadn't wanted Maple to find out this way. Tonight he'd planned on a beautiful dinner where he was going to break it up to her gently.

He looked at her and flinched. 

The hurt crossing her face was unbearable. It literally sent physical shocks of pain in his chest. He felt as if his heart would stop beating at the crazy speed it was beating now.

She hadn’t believed anyone, not even the doctor. Jason's acceptance confirmed her worst fears. She wasn't sad. Oh no! What she felt was hurt, pain, scared and a lot of anger. Striding towards him she threw her file on his face, the papers flying everywhere. She screamed in frustration.

She started stomping and pulling her hair. At times her mumblings picked up speed as well as voice. Sometimes she turned to him and started hitting him while muttering profanities. 

All of a sudden she pulled him up while clutching his collar. She kept shouting at his face, hitting him with her hands. Sometimes it was a slap, sometimes it was a punch. She heaved as her already low amount of strength decreased. He heard every word and it felt like a knife was being stabbed again and again. 

She let go of his collar and her eyes fell on the collection. 

He gasped. 

Before he could stop her, she'd thrown herself at the collection. All the gifts she'd ever made for him now lay on the floor- broken. 

20 Wishes of Maple Woods [Currently Rewriting] ✓Where stories live. Discover now