“Wow mom.” I giggled

“Your cousin starting school, and his mother want me to go with him and make sure everything goes ok.” She said

My little cousin Nick, was starting college this year and he’ll be going to NYU, to say that I was proud of him would be much of an understatement. I haven’t seen him in a few years because he lived in Philly with my Auntie Trina.

“Oh that’s good.” I said smiling

“Yeah, He’s happy to see everyone.” She said

“We should do dinner then.” I suggested

“Alright, just let me know when.” She said yawning

“Alright woman I’ll talk to you later.” I said before Chris walked in


“Alright mommy, and Chris just walked in.” I said making him look at me

“Tell ya mama I said hey.” He said

“He said hey ma.” I reported his message

“Tell my handsome son-in-law I said hey, and I’ll see him at dinner.” She said

“I’ll tell him the last part. Bye ma!” I giggled before handing up

“Mommy said hey, and she’ll see you at dinner.” I said pulling him to me.

“Dinner?” He asked with a eyebrow raised

“Yeah, my little cousin in town for college and I thought it would be good to dinner, and  you know tell mommy I’m pregnant.” I explained

“Oh okay. Cool.” He replied moving out of my grip

“Chris.” I whined

“Huh?” He asked grabbing my water from beside me downing the rest.

“Stop being mad at me.” I pouted

“I ain’t mad.” He replied

“You’re acting like it.” I replied lowly

“I ain’t mad, I’m disappointed.” He said

“Why?” I asked

“Cause you too grown to be acting the way you’ve been acting. All you wanna do is fight me. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells around you.” He admitted and being all emotional I had to cry.

“I’m sorry...I’m just going through a lot.” I weeped like a baby

“I know you are...I just wish you would tell me how you feel instead of yelling it at me.” He joked making me crack a little smile.

“I’ll try.” I wiped my tears

“Thank you, cause you been buggin’ lately.” He said making me laugh. I know I have...truth be told ol girl Nic or whatever the hell her name is got something coming for all that disrespect coming from her.

“I’m sorry baby.” I said pressing my lips to his full ones

“It’s coo, bae.” He said in between each kiss

Getting wrapped up in our own little world My alarm for the appointment went off making me look at a smirking Chris.

“You’re distracting me.” I pouted

“I know, that was pay back...but tonight will be worse. Let’s go before we’re any later.” He said picking me up off the counter. He was so crazy.


Arriving at the doctors office London was nervous. It was new to me, because when she was pregnant with King she was really calm, but for some odd reason she was nervous and shy.

“Babe, you’re gonna be fine.” I said wiping her tears as I was bent over trying to help her out the car. As soon as we pulled up the water works started.

“I’m just nervous Chris.” She said

“Tell me why baby.” I said rubbing her flat stomach

“Because I just want me baby to be health, and with all this stress I just know it’s not gonna be good.” She said

I know she’s been stressing out...shoot all of us have, but we won’t know anything until we go in there and get a check up.

“I know, but we won’t know unless we go in there...come on, I’m right here.” I said kissing all over her face

After a few moments she got out the car gripping my hand tightly.

Signing in fairly quick we walked right in.

“Hello, London.” Dr. Moore smiled brightly at her

“Hey.” She replied

“And this is the father Chris right?” She asked

To my understanding this was the same Dr. that delivered Morgan. So it was important to London to have her deliver our last baby.

“Yes, this is Morgan’s dad.” London pointed and the woman’s face lit up.

“She looks just like you!” She exclaimed making London and I laugh

“Well it’s nice to meet you Mr. Brown” She shook my hand

“You too.” I smiled

“Now London, you’re six weeks pregnant now, we have a few test we ran and I wanna go over the results with you and your husband, if that’s okay. Okay?” She started.


“The stress test we ran, you done fine with...but being that I know you and your body, I know how you handle stress...you keep it all in, and that’s not good for your, body, you, the baby, or your husband.” She chuckled making me do the same.

“So how can I reduce my stress levels?” I asked

“It’s really a simple task...Don’t stress.” She laughed as if it was that easy

“I know it might sound easy, but it’s not. I have a business to run, and kids to run after.” I explained

Nodding her head she thought “I understand, and that’s where Mr. Brown comes in...you gotta lay off when he says lay off...you can’t do everything.” She said. Since she’s been in the family for a long time she knew me...and the way I acted so she could spot BS from a mile away.

“Okay.” I laughed

“Okay, let’s see the baby.” She said lifting my shirt, spreading the cold gel onto my stomach. A few minutes later I seen a small tiny dot on the screen.

“Is that…” I asked

“Yes that’s your baby.” She smiled

Chris eyes were glued to the tiny screen, he didn’t blink once.

“Wow it’s so tiny.” He said

“Yeah. let’s hear that heartbeat.” She said

Tiny, but powerful beats entered the room sounding like music to my ears.

This was my baby. Our blessing. Our new chance at parenthood...only a whole new way. Something we can do together, from the start.


London is in the sidebar.

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