Chapter 25:'Is discarding the body in a trash bag good enough?'

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Chapter 25: "Is discarding the body in a trash bag good enough?"

"How about a sword? We can even cut his head off like in the movies!"

"Too violent. No,"

"How about a gun? We can shoot him in the heart five times, twice,"

"No, it'll be too loud,"

"Then we'll use a silencer. Simple,"

"But how will we get a gun!?"

"I can arrange it," Ally winks at me.

"I'm not a gun type of girl to be very honest," I say while looking at my nails. The colour seems pretty dull. I think I should colour them.

"I have a frigging great idea!" Ally screams beside me which makes me jump and nearly make my heart come out on the floor.

"Jeez women. Keep your voice a little bit low for the safety of my ears,"

"Sorry," Ally says sheepishly.

"No problem. Now what was the idea?" I'll admit. Her ideas are pretty interesting.

"We can go to his house at night and suffocate him using a pillow. There will be no sound, I've seen it in movies,"

"But what about the body?"

"Everyone will think he died of a heart attack," Ally smiles at me, widening her eyes.

I narrow my eyes at her.

"Really Ally?" I say dryly.

"Wait. Is discarding the body in a trash bag good enough?"

I think for a while.

"That could work." I nod.

"I'll arrange our 'killer outfits'," Ally laughs at her own joke.

We are currently sitting on our beds, absolutely bored out of our minds as it is Sunday and let me tell you again, we are absolutely bored out of our minds. One thing, Sundays are just as boring as Mondays, if not more, if you don't have any plans.

And considering my last night, which we, ME and Ally, have officially named as Doomed Disaster Date, the triple D.

Speaking of which, when I told Ally about the date, she went silent for a while and then suddenly started to think of ways we can kill 'He who I am not going to waste my breath on'.

"Should we dress as Cat Women or Wonder Women?" Ally asks me, still deciding on the 'killer outfits'.

"Wonder Women would be too sexy. That men needs to die without even a tad bit pleasure,"

"Girl if you don't wanna look sexy even a tiny bit, we should wear your clothes," Ally laughs.

I roll my eyes at her. Jsut because my clothes are long enough to cover me properly, it doesn't mean they are bad or out-fashioned.

"It's just that I respect my body and don't shove my boobs in everyone's faces so they can walk behind me like stray dogs,"

"Says the person who has three of the hottest boys around following her," Ally mumbles to which I groan.

Great, just fudging great. Ally just had to remind me of my triple D.

It was the most enjoyful yet the most disastrous night of my life which I never want to experience again. Except the kiss part. Oh shut-up brain/body. I have already enough problems because of my 'body desires'.

"But, tell me one thing," Ally asks, the sparkle of humor and playfulness gone now, replaced with seriousness.

"Go ahead," I think I have an idea of what's about to happen.

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