Chapter 5:'I'll make sure that your hairs are not better than burnt plastic.'

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            Chapter 5: "I'll make sure that your hairs are not better than burnt plastic."

Some persons are morning person, whom I envy so much. I mean how can they wake up early in morning and have good mood? I mean if someone wakes me up before 9 am, may the chocolate help him from my wrath. This is what I kept in my mind when choosing classes. My first class was after 11 so I can get full sleep and not be zombie like in classes. I came here to learn and graduate from college and then have a good job so I won't let my stupid sleep get in my way.

My alarm beeps at 10 am, waking me up from deep slumber. Considering the last night's sleeping time, I got good 10 hours sleep which is perfect for me. Not opening my eyes fully, I turn of the beeping alarm which I putted beside my bed yesterday.

I get up on my bed and stretch in a not-so-lady like way. And by not-so-lady like way I mean emitting sounds that may scare off a lion and putting my arms high up in the sky.

"Whoa, you have a great way of waking up," A sound comes and I don't have to look to know that it's Ally.

"Good morning to you too," I say sarcastically, getting up from my bed and picking up my washroom accessories and going into washroom. I brush my teeth, relieve myself and get a hot and long shower. Hot showers are totally my thing; they wake me up fully from my hibernation state and also rid me of my tiredness.

Getting out of shower and wrapping myself securely in my towel, I dry myself. But then I face palm myself for not bringing my clothes- leave it to Susan Johnson for forgetting things.

I get out from washroom and go towards my wardrobe to pick something good considering it's my first day in school. After searching for some minutes, I go with some ripped jeans and a grey crop top with full arms and just below my belly button.

It's so quiet in the room; I think Ally has already left for classes. But my heart threatens to leap out of my chest when I turn back to see Ally near the vanity mirror, applying makeup.

I place a hand on my heart to control its irregular beating and rhythm. Why was she so quiet while doing make up? I shrug to myself and go back into washroom which is big enough to change into and also has a full size mirror. Extra point for me.

I put on the jeans easily up my waist, well I am not fat or something so it fits pretty well. Then I put on my crop top, which also fits me well. I check myself mirror, impressed by myself. Well at least I don't look like a hooker whose clothes are not even enough to cover a newborn.

I go outside to see that Ally is now ready, looking absolutely gorgeous wearing ripped jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a denim jacket whose sleeves are rolled up to her elbows even if it's summer.

"How do I look?" She asks me. I whistle slowly and nod my head. "Damn girl, you are gonna kill some boys out there," I say truly impressed by her sense of fashion, probably 100 times better than me.

She looks at me skeptically. "What?" I ask her, feeling a little uncomfortable under her staring gaze. Without any word, she grabs my arm and makes me sit on the chair near the vanity mirror. She opens her makeup kit and starts to make my face more presentable. She applies some blush, eyeliner and a light pink lip gloss making my face sparkle, though I couldn't see my face as she was blocking it.

Finishing her touch on my face, she looks at me with a satisfying smile. I try to see my face in the mirror but she doesn't let me. She shakes her head, "Nu-uh, your hair still needs some working. So I am gonna go and get the curling wand and if you open your eyes, I'll make sure that your hair are not better than burnt plastic."

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