Chapter 12: 'Who said girls were not over enthusiastic about parties?'

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Chapter 12:' Who said girls were not over enthusiastic about parties? Oh wait, that was me.'

"A party?"

"Yes, a party."

"Party as in a where people get drunk and laid?"

"Yes Susan, a party."


"Have you ever been to a party?"

"Of course I have! Who do you think I am?"

"Whoa, calm your tits women."

James says, holding his hands up in the air as to surrender. I shoot him a glare.

"So Natalie how are you?" I ask Natalie as I was interrupted before. As I said, I really need to work on my speaking skills.

"Couldn't be better, what about you?" She asks me with a smile. What's with the Wills family and their smiles?

"Could be better, but doing fine." I wave it away and stand up from the chair to get myself something to eat. It's like the dinosaurs are doing a world war in my stomach.

I order myself a chicken sandwich, a chocolate cookie and some water. Paying on the counter, I pick up a tray and place all the things on it.

I start to walk towards the table but a foot comes out of nowhere, which makes me fall face first on the ground. The tray flies in the air and then lands on the ground, ruining my lunch.

But due to my fast reflexes and a bit of luck, I put hands on the ground preventing myself from slamming my face onto the ground. I take some time to recover myself and then stand up. Dusting myself, I look around to find the joker who tripped me.

But it didn't take much time, as the two same girls from drama class walk towards me with a vicious smile on their face.

"Oh I am so sorry. I didn't know that you were passing by. Did it hurt?" The blonde one speaks. Her voice has not even a tad bit regret and her eyes are sparking with hatred for me.

I narrow my eyes at her. "Well if you looked around more carefully than at boys' zippers, than you would have seen me."

A few 'oohs' came from the crowd. Wow! We have a crowd. It looks like college students have nothing better than to watch girls fight. The brunette one narrows her eyes at me takes a step forward to intimidate me but little she knows that I've handled witches like her in my old school.

I also take a step forward and raise my chin up. The confidence from her eyes falters a bit but still she doesn't back off. If she wants to play the hard way, then let her play.

But as I am about to carry on my plan, she backs away. I smirk in satisfaction, she barks but doesn't bite. But as I look closely, their eyes are filled with fear. And their eyes are not on me but someone standing behind me.

I crane my neck to see that who is standing. The sight which greets my eyes makes my heart soar and a smile makes it way on my face. James, Ally, Kelly, Alex and even Natalie are standing behind me, their eyes hostile and arms folded.

It looks like a movie scene where the whole gang of hero is introduced. Their gazes are pretty intimidating so no doubt the witchy duo back off and goes wherever they came from.

Everyone is silent in the cafeteria. If it was a movie, you could even hear the chirps of cricket.

"Well that was fun." Ally breaks the silence. And just like that the whole cafeteria goes back to whatever it was doing.

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