Chapter 18:'But I thought you British girls loved it.'

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Chapter 18:" But I thought you British girls loved it."

I've never avoided spotlight in my life. And never have I lacked attention of the spotlight also. In high school, I was the girlfriend of the most popular boy; Bert Anderson.

He was very sweet and never hurt me or did something to hurt me. We were barely in a relationship for five months when I decided to come here; Willslow College.

I also made a determination in my mind that I'll not have a boyfriend for first four months here as it can be disturbing and as well as time consuming. I am here on my basis of academics and I'll maintain my GPA till the end.

Now back to the point; I never lacked attention and neither did I hated it. But now that James has told everyone, scratch that; now that he has announced to everyone that I am his girlfriend, I am beginning to feel a little nervous.

Many people are shocked and I swear that I saw some girls gripping tables. Dramatic, right?

The sound of people talking to each other is filling the whole Cafeteria and people are surprised that James has a girlfriend. It usually the girl of week but everyone is purely shocked that now James has a girlfriend.

The look on The Girls face is also shocked and Alex's face is holding an indecipherable look. But Natalie has a composed face; not even a trace of shock and worry so I assume that James has told Natalie everything.

James sits back with a goofy grin on his face. "How was it? Now no one will disturb you." He says and winks at me. I smile back at him; no matter what, he is doing all of this for me. So what that he has literally announced that I am his girlfriend? He is doing all of this for me and I am more than grateful.

"But this won't cut it. We have to continue our act for a week or so, so everyone knows that I am not kidding or joking." James speaks up after some seconds of silence.

"Aye aye captain." Ally salutes him and just like that the awkwardness vanishes and everyone laughs. Except Alex.


James: Come at the park ASAP. We have to discuss something about the drama class project with 'Witchy Duo'. Lol xx
P.S Double kisses for my girlfriend. ;)

Oh why am I not surprised? I put the phone back in my pocket and stand up from the bed and pad towards the door.

"Where you going?" Ally asks me, pulling an earphone from her ear.

"Just going to the park. Nothing special," I use her words from earlier.
Something flashes across her eyes but she quickly covers it up with a smile.

"Have fun," She says and puts in the earphone again in her ear; getting lost in the world of Netflix.

I close the door and walk towards the park at which we met for the first time. We usually meet up there for discussions with the Witchy Duo.

While walking to the park, I get some strange looks from boys and girls. You know, the look 'what did he see something special in this girl'. Well this look is given by boys but the boys look is 'Why is she being James girl of the week'.

I cast my eyes downwards and walk to the park, trying to get as far as possible from people's judgmental looks.

Once I reach the park, I spot James sitting on the same spot as always; the one near the lake.

"Hey there, boyfriend," I tease him and sit beside him on the soft grass. He steals a glance at me then looks back at the sky.

"Girlfriend, shouldn't we have some nicknames?" He asks. His smirk could be heard in his voice. So he is in teasing mood.

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