Chapter 26;'You're telling me you flashed everyone at the party?'

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Chapter 26; "So you're telling me that you like flashed everyone at the Halloween party?"

"You ready Sus?" Kelly asks while zipping up her bag.

"First, how many times have I told you guys to not call me Sus. Makes me feel like I'm an extra marital affair of Dr. Seuss. And second, yes I'm ready,"

Kelly rolls her eyes playfully and picks up her bag.

"I'll be in the parking lot. Don't make me wait for too long." Kelly winks and goes out of the room.

I smile at her figure going out of the door. It would be an understatement that I'm only excited for our camping trip. Two days of nothing; no stress about anything, no working your ass off for good grades. God knows how stressed I was when we had exams going on, and Ally too.

"Ready?" Ally grins at me as she gets out of the bathroom. She's wearing sweats with a loose shirt on top of it, similar to what I and Kelly are wearing. Parker said it's a two hour drive so fudge style, we had to be comfortable.

I nod and pat my pockets, checking one last time that I have everything. We both lock the room once we get out and make our way towards the car.

We decided that we'll take two cars. Ally volunteered for one and Alex volunteered for the second one. Then after bickering for an hour we decided that me, Ally, Kelly and Natalie will drive in one while Alex, Parker and James will drive the second. I still don't get why we argued so much when in the end seating was seperated into girls and boys.

Once we get into the car, Ally begins to drive towards Natalie's house where everyone is meeting up. The drive goes by quickly, the silence filled by the radio.

Once we reach the house, everyone is standing in front of the house. Natalie has same kind of clothes as us but with a big hat on her head. Some greetings and checking later we start our drive to the camping area, which by the way is picked by Alex and James.

"So what's everyone plan for the summer break?" Natalie asks, breaking the comfortable silence in the car.

"I'm going to my parents and I think we're going to Canada," Ally answers, her voice full of excitement but laced with doubt which goes unnoticed by both Kelly and Natalie.

She is still not on the perfect terms with her parents after she found out that she's adopted but she's definitely coming to the terms slowly.

"Oh wow. My family is planning to go on a road trip so I'm pretty excited too," Kelly answers.

"Meh. I'm going to UK," I smirk. Everyone's eyes go wide for a split second but go back to normal size when they remember that I am from UK. As if my accent doesn't remind them every minute.

"You tell?" I ask Natalie. I'm thankful that things are not really awkward between us. That's because she doesn't know that you swapped spit with his boyfriend, my female dog subconscious reminds me. Guilt washes over me but I push it back.

"I'm going on a trip with James!" Natalie literally screams with excitement. We all turn to her with mouth agape. I thought it was a secret.

"Not you, you look back at the road!" I shout at Ally and smack her on head. She pouts but looks back at the road. I know this is shocking but it ain't worth our lives.

"What?" Natalie asks, noticing the shock.

"Don't act like you all don't know. I know that you guys know," Natalie shrugs.

"But please don't tell Alex," Natalie adds, her voice colored with desperation. We all nod, pushing down the questions threatening to erupt. This is all so confusing. Why would they both want to keep their relationship a secret? They're not some 15 year olds who have to hide everything from their families.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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