Chapter 7: 'I'd rather make out with a cactus."

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Chapter 7: "I'd rather make out with a cactus."

"What should I wear!?"

"I don't know."

"You are not helping me here Ally."

"Susan, your wardrobe is on the other side of the room right?"


"So how the hell can I look at your wardrobe!?"

"Okay, okay. Jeez you are fierce when you do make up."

"Told you so,"

I sigh and give up trying to find something decent to wear. I have been rummaging through my closet for past fifteen minutes but still couldn't find anything. I know that it's not a date or something but still I have to look good.

Ally is putting on her make up for the past hour and still is saying that she has not finished. I know doing make up takes time but it doesn't take a whole frigging hour to do it!

Finally, she finishes doing her makeup and comes to my wardrobe to help me pick up my clothes to wear tonight.

"Ugh! Your clothes are as good as nothing. Didn't you bring some dresses? It's college so you should have brought some dresses." She tells me with her head still in the wardrobe.

I roll my eyes. "Does coming to college means that I should wear clothes that can't even cover a newborn child properly?"

"Oh come on, by dresses I mean the ones which can cover you and make you look gorgeous enough so the guys can know disadvantages of being single, or not." She adds quickly. I laugh a little at that.

Taking her advice I make myself a mental note to buy some dresses so I could out easily into parties or something for 'teenage fun'.

A squeal comes from the wardrobe and I rush to Ally. She has a black dress in her hands and a big smile is on her face. It's the same dress that my friends gave me on my 18th birthday, back in England.

"Thank god that there is an actual dress in your wardrobe. I thought I was going through my grandma's closet."

I roll my eyes and take the dress from her. It's a knee length dress, covered by many sparkly black stars. When I change into it, I am totally impressed by it.

It's hugging me in all the right places and it's built in bra is also perking up my breasts. I get out of the washroom, closing my eyes and counting to three.




"Oh my God Susan, you are looking absolutely hot, smoking and gorgeous. Wow." She literally screams into my face; not that I am surprised.

She quickly grabs my arm and makes me sit in front of the mirror and starts to make me ready. I silently cross my fingers that she doesn't make me look like a clown or does too much make up. We are going to bowling alley for God's sake!

I open my mouth to protest and say that in this dress I couldn't even pick up the bowling ball without giving everyone a show but she slaps on my mouth. I sigh and let her do whatever she wants.

She then turns all my hair on my right shoulder and pins them so they could stay their. The girl has got skills of a professional.

When she finishes, I nod in approval. She has done a Smokey kind of makeup which looks good with the black dress.

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