Chapter 15:'He counter questioned me and asked me that if I was pregnant.'

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Chapter 15: 'He counter questioned me and asked me that if I was pregnant.'

The matter of kissing Alex seemed pretty light to me. I thought that I would go to his house and explain everything to him. As simple as that.

But now, when I am sitting in the car with Ally, outside of his house: I am a nervous wreck and dinosaurs are playing Just Dance in my stomach.

"You ready?" Ally asks for the hundredth time. I shake my head and grab the seat belt so tightly that my knuckles threaten to turn ashy white.

A groan leaves Ally's lips when she sees me. I probably resemble a kitten on a tree - refusing to jump down.

"Come on Susan, you were pretty confident when we left our room. What happened to 'I am gonna apologize to him and we'll be friends'." She says the last part in high pitch voice. I narrow my eyes at her; my eyes hostile and a glare forming on my face.

"Okay fine, you sit here and have a tea party with this seat belt and this car while I go in to the house and tell Alex everything. Okay?" She unbuckles the seat belt and starts to get out of the car.

"Wait," I call after her. She stops and looks at me while tapping her feet on the ground impatiently. I reluctantly let go of the seat belt and unbuckle it and then take some deep breaths. You are going to do it Susan, I chant inside my head, you are going to go in and make everything clear to Alex. You don't want to ruin your friendship, right?

I nod to myself and walk towards Ally who is having an award winning smile on her face. I sigh and walk up to the wooden door. There was a name plate with 'Ben Wills' written on it so we figured that it was Alex's home.

I muster up all the courage I can and knock the door. Some minutes pass and no one opens the door. I smile and look at Ally.

"I think no one's home. Let's go I'll talk to Alex on Monday," She huffs in annoyance but nods anyways. But to my disappointment, when we turn back, the door opens.

We both look at the door at the same time to see an elderly women standing at the door. Her blonde hair is tied up in a perfect bun and she is wearing an apron. It looks like she was cooking.

"Yes?" Her voice is timid and soft, having a motherly tone in it. "We are here to meet Al-Ow!" I pinch her on the back so Alex's mom can't see.

"We are here to meet Natalie. She's our friend." I smile at her. She smiles back and backs away from the door. "Come in,"

We both walk inside the house which is filled with the heavenly scent of chocolate cake which makes my mouth water like an Olympic swimming pool.

"I am Kate Wills. Nat's mom," She gives us her warm smile to which we smile back. Her face has very sharp features. Green and beautiful eyes, freckles sprayed on her cheeks and neck and blonde hair. She looked just like Natalie.

"I am Susan Johnson and this is Ally Jackson. We both are here to meet Natalie," I say to her.

"She's in her room. It's the first left one upstairs," She smiles at us and then walks back to the kitchen to bake her cakes, I assume.

I look around to look at Natalie's house. The floor is made of wood and the walls are painted sky blue color. There is kitchen on the left side and on the right side there is a sofa with a coffee table and a flat screen TV. There is also a chimney in the living room, perfecting the look of a warm and cozy house.

At the front are stairs which lead to the first storey and probably the rooms. The house in not too big and not too small which gives a sense of warmth and love.

His Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें