Chapter 21:'You know, sand actually makes hair good.'

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Chapter 21: "You know, sand actually makes hair good."

"So you actually mean to say that you broke into our college and hacked the computers and changed the grades?"

"Yes, well technically it was Parker who hacked into the computers and James who changed the grade, but it's pretty much the same."

"Wow, you are truly insane,"

"When did I deny it?" I shrug and kick a pebble on the road. The pebble flies and lands on the sidewalk.

"And when did this exactly happen?" Kelly continues to question me while Ally is silent- like always.

Thankfully, after the day when she didn't came to scho- College, she is a little better now. She attends regularly but is usually quite. No one has suspected that something is wrong with her because everyone is thinking that it's her time of month.

"A week ago," My cheeks turn a little pink thinking of that day - you know, the one when I near-kissed Parker. Now you all might think that I am some kind of pervert, leading on three guys - if James counts - but it's not my fault that they all are like Greek Gods and have bodies more attractive than Calvin Klein models and more delicious than chocolate. Well, I haven't seen Parker half-naked yet but imagine what a delight it would be... yum.

And the most confusing thing is that I don't like the three of them but I like them, if it makes any sense. My body and eyes are attracted to all of them but everyone has his faults:

James already has her girlfriend, Natalie, who he loves so it's a no no for me.

Alex is... Well he is Alex; too much clingy and I don't think I would even imagine to be his girlfriend. Well... He is delicious and ho- focus Susan!

And last but not least, Parker. He is the hottest and most delicious of them all, in my opinion. I have met him only a week ago, and he is already growing on me. I haven't seen a single fault in him; he is sweet as chocolate, funny as a comedian and hot as hell.

"I think she is paralyzed," Kelly waves her hand in front of me which, sadly, breaks me out of my trance.

"No, I am not paralyzed," I swat her hand away to which she stick out her tongue. I pull out my tongue as long as I can and also put my hands near my ears - pretty silly, I know.

"Guys stop, you all are, like, ruining my reputation," Ally finally speaks up which earns her a deadpanned stare from both Jell- Kelly and me.

"What? You two are acting like some five year old - wait not five but like two years old, and that's ruining my reputation." She points out like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

We both snort. "As if you have any," Kelly mutters under her breath, but loudly so that Ally can hear it. Uh oh, Kelly made a mistake. I gulp and silently pray for her.

Teasing is one thing but saying something about Ally's reputation makes the ape inside of her awake, and let me tell you; her ape ain't the one who is cute and cuddly- totally opposite actually.

"You will not be among the living for long, Kelly," I stage whisper.

"True that," Ally says before emitting a witch like scream and dashing in the direction of Kelly, who has now sensed Ally's anger and is running.

"Wait up, you witch. No one, and I mean no one, says anything about my reputation. And for your information, even my high heels have a better repo than you!" Ally screams and continues to run towards Kelly.

I first laugh and then sigh. So much for a 'quality time walk'. It was Kelly's idea that we all should hang out some time, so Ally and I went to her house, where we ate some snacks and then decided to go for a walk, which has now turned into a war.

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