Chapter 16:'You know, your beautiful yet baseball eyes won't work.'

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Chapter 16: "You know, your beautiful yet baseball eyes won't work."

"This is getting boring now,"

"I couldn't agree more," I sigh as I bite the delicious chocolate donut and sip the chocolate shake. I crave chocolate, I know.

"This is like the fifteenth one?" Ally asks me, biting her cheese burger. Unlike many other girls, we don't worry about our weight gain. We started working out in a gym, which is a ten minutes walk from here, some weeks ago.

"I think it's sixteenth one." I pick up the card in front of me and stare at it.

"Hey, guys what's up?" Kelly asks as she sits down on the seat and starts munching on the pasta her mom made.

"The usual," Ally shrugs.

"By usual you mean another boy asking for a date by putting a card and a rose in your locker?" Kelly says as a matter of fact.

I nod my head and sigh. It's been three weeks since Alex dropped the bomb that he liked me. But I was also happy that he was giving me some time to wait till we start to date. I wanted to focus on my study and maintain my GPA.

But that plan was thrown out of the window when, on Monday, there was a card in my locker with a rose between the folded paper.

I opened it to see that it was a freshman asking me out for a date. His number was written at the bottom of the paper. I sighed and handed it to Ally who shrieked me and said to go out with him if he was hot. I knew that I wouldn't date him but maybe, just maybe if he was hotter than Alex and James (I don't think so) then I'll consider it.

But to our utter dismay, he was a walking Tarzan. Long greasy hair, big round glasses, face full of pimples and clothes like a punk. No thanks, I'd rather go out with a cactus.

So I went to him and rejected him nicely. His face fell but still he nodded and said that if I wanted to change my mind, he would be there. Cue the eye roll please.

Next day, the same happened. Except, there were two cards instead of one. It annoyed me but still I went to them and rejected them politely.

This continued for some days and was seriously starting to annoy me. Why won't they get the idea that I didn't want to date anyone? But then the annoyance started to turn into anger.

When the next Monday came, I went to my locker to see that it was full of cards. Angrily, I picked one up and went to the sender in lunch time.

I snapped at him that I didn't want to date him. I did that so everyone would get the idea that I wanted to be single.

But they didn't.

Every day when I went to the locker, there was at least one card in it. Ally patted me sympathetically and told me that if I ignore them, they'll leave me.

So here I am, two weeks later, sitting on the table with The Girls and yet another card in my hand.

"Why aren't they getting the idea that I want to be single?" I groan in annoyance and angrily bite my donut. My therapy for anger is chocolate.

"Dunno," Kelly shrugs, stabbing her pasta and eating it. We three are sitting on the table as it is the lunch period. Usually, James and Alex sat with us but Alex is doing some work of his calculus and Natalie is doing some social science project.

And James is practicing the American football. Did I mention that what happened with James in last three weeks?

Well let me explain. James applied for the football team and was gladly accepted. He was a very good player and made our college team win matches.

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