Chapter 23:'I am going to make sure that you end up pregnant.'

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Chapter 23:" I am going to make sure that you end up pregnant."

"Ally, I am currently on the verge of tears and dying here whilst you are just bobbing your head and whistling."

"Revenge is a big witch Susan, if you know what I mean," She smiles mischievously and winks at me.

Groaning, I bang my head on the wardrobe. Let me tell you, life is not fair.

"Ally, pretty please with a cherry on top drenched in chocolate and coated with sparkly sprinkles?" I swallow my pride and plead her, trying my best puppy look.

Ally groans."Why'd you go there? You know that I can't resist that yummy please," She pouts but gets up from the bed nonetheless. Inside my head, I pump my fist hundred a tribe and do a tribal dance around fire while only wearing coconuts and leaves.

I watch in satisfaction as Ally rummages through my closet, trying to find the best dress for my 'date'. I know that it's a fake one but hey, a girl has to look good; doesn't matter if it's fake or not.

"Here, is this good?" She thrusts a jeans and cute blue top towards me. I eye it for sometime before groaning and taking it from her hand.

"I hate to admit it but you have the best sense of fashion," I mumble teasingly. She holds her chin high up in pride and folds her arms in front of her. I roll my eyes and proceed to change into my new clothes.

After changing, I glance at the clock to see that only twenty minutes are remaining till James comes to pick me. I don't know where are we going or even how we are going to get there. But I trust him and know that he will not take me into woods for murdering me or something like that. Hopefully.

"Work your magic, Fairy Godmother," I say to Ally as I sit down in front of the vanity. She rubs her hands in excitement as she goes to retrieve her makeup.

"I am going to make sure that you end up pregnant."

Now I don't want that do I?

After sometime Ally finishes working her magic on me and as always she turns me into a beauty. I really, really recommend her being a professional in this. Standing up from the seat I take a final look at myself; I look good. I release a breath that I didn't know I was holding. What the fudge is wrong with me? When did I, Susan Johnson, start to be nervous when going on dates? Especially when it is a fake one.

I don't have the time to answer myself as the sound of knock enters my ears. Putting on the best smile on face, I open the door revealing a stunning looking James with his electrical smile on his face.

"Hello from the other side,"

I chuckle. "Hey," Why am I feeling like this again?

"You ready?" He asks before greeting Ally. I nod and step out from the room but James stops me. "Nu uh," he says before extending his hand and grabbing mine. I roll my eyes although I don't mind.

We both then step out from the room and start to walk towards the dorm exit. "Where are we going?" I question him.

"You look absolutely breathtaking and to answer your question, it's a surprise. And as far as I know, surprises are not meant to be told."

"Thanks," I blush at his compliment, not knowing what else to say. There is something different today between us. I don't know what it is but something is definitely not normal.

The rest of twenty minute we walk, chatting a little bit here and there. The weather is also pleasant and cool breeze is blowing, kissing my body and leaving a tingly feeling.

His LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora