my music (reader x bat family)

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Your POV

I was in my room trying to record one my songs. But the others where yelling and me being on that time of the month. I got up and when down stairs. I looked in the living room. Barbra, Tim, Dick, my full blooded brother damian, father, Todd and Saph where yelling. But I louder.

Alfred looked at me and covered his ears and nodded. "SHUT THE HELL UP I AM TRYING TO WORK AND ME BEING ON THAT TIME OF THE MONTH! I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU IF YOU ARE LOUD AGEIN!" I yelled. They all froze. I cause fear the Joker can't do.

I growled. I walked upstairs. My friends where in my room. They looked at me. We started at the same time.

We trued it again.

We sounded just like little mix. (Roll with it.) My family was a try the door. I looked back at them. I gave them the bat glare and they ran off. I smirked.

batfamily x readerWhere stories live. Discover now