Twins (Bruce Wayne x reader)

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Your POV

Me and Bruce where in bed cuddled up in bed. Bruce was asleep. I could hear him moan a nother girls name. I got out of his grasp and got dressed. I pack my stuff I looked at the time. 3am.

I walked out of the maner. No note no waking people up. Just me on my by myself. My next stop star city. I got on the bus. The bus started to go and I looked out the window as left Gotham.

Bruce's POV

5 pm

I woke up to y/n not there. I looked around to see her half of clothing not there. I got changed and when downstairs. "Hello Master Bruce. Is miss Y/N joining you and the boys for breakfast?" Alfred asked. "No I don't know where she has gone." I said.

I ran my hand through my hair. I played the video of 3am. She looked so sad when she left. 'Oh boy what have I done?' I thought.

I when to the bathroom and seen a positive pregnancy test. "Shit." I muttered loudly. The boys ran up to where I was. "What happened?" Dick asked. "Y/N is gone and I just found this pregnancy test." I said.

"You just found that. It has been there for a hole day." Tim said. I sighed.

~7 years later ~

Your POV

Me and the twins where in Gotham park. Kora and Aang (avatar refrance) where on the swings. My hair was longer then I left. My eyes a little brighter.

A voice scared me to the point I got out my weapon and turned. Ugh Bruce. "Hey Y/N." He said. "what do you need?" I asked.

"To be a father to my kids." He said. "You moaned some girls name out. I have reson to believe you cheated." I said.

"I know. What are there names?" he said. "Kora and Aang." I said.

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