37. The new vote

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Mayu was completely and utterly frozen in fear.

Seeing Lawless, World End, and The Mother all crying happily at the fact that she was alive and smiling was what she hoped everyone would be doing. She had hoped that despite the vote they had so many years ago things would have changed.

Oh, how terribly wrong she was...

"WE'RE NOT KILLING ANYONE!!!" Lawless spat furiously as his blood red eyes seemed to glow and his rapier appeared in his hand "you lay a single finger on Mayu and you'll be the one dead!"

"Think logically about this" Hugh said, crossing his arms "we voted on this years ago and you lost the vote. So step aside and cry yourself to sleep later, we have a job to do."

Lawless smirked evilly and Mayu shivered slightly in fear as a sadistic wave of killing intent seemed to sweep around the area and his fangs began growing in size.

"Old Child" he teased with a insane smile "I will shove my rapier down your esophagus and watch you choke on you it as you gurgle up blood and beg for mercy...don't test my patience."

"Lawless!" Lily scolded "we have to kill her!!"

"Kill...me...?" Mayu said quietly as everyone turned towards her.

"Yes, kill you."

Misono, whom had been standing there silently, walked right past Lily and stood in front of Mayu before turning back around and giving his Servamp a glare sharp enough to cut through metal.

"Mayu is a dear friend of mine Lily" Misono said sharply "I love her and you equally as two very important people in my life but if you try to kill her I won't allow it."

Lily's eyes widened slightly and his scythe seemed to lower slightly as he tried to make sense of what he was hearing. Misono was suppose to be on his side no matter what! For him to say something like that simply ripped his heart practically in half and he couldn't even begin to summarize the level of betrayal and hatred he felt.

"I see..."

"We all loved Mayu with all of our hearts" The Mother exclaimed angrily "what you three are trying to do is absolutely stupid and irrational!!"

Mahiru stood beside Mayu and crossed his arms with an air of determination around him. He knew he was just a simple human in all of this, he wasn't Servamp nor Eve but Mayu Adachi was and will always be his best friend and nothing would ever change that. Let it be your average everyday bullies or even supposedly mythical vampires he was more then willing to protect his best friend from all of it. It also didn't help that he obviously had a small...ok HUGE crush on her. Nonetheless he could see clearly that she was not interested in him and he supposed he was alright with that.

As long as she was happy.

Mikuni stared at Doubt Doubt then stared at Misono who met his gaze an frowned slightly. Him and his little brother never did get along on anything. They always argued constantly and fought over the stupidest of things and now they were the only family they had left and they still treated one another like absolute trash.

He wanted to agree with him for once but...this wasn't it.

"I'm with them" Mikuni said, pointing a thumb at Doubt Doubt and the rest "she attracts trouble that one. She got my antique shop ruined by those damned subclasses and now that C3 knows she's alive she's going to make my life a living hell. I say we kill her."

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