14. Inner Kuro

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30 minutes, hundreds of hits, lots of yelling, and many arguments later they had finally arrived at Misono's house.


Mayu got out of the limousine and looked around in awe at the giant castle like mansion that loomed before them. She hadn't seen such an expensive looking structure before in her life and what made it even more beautiful was that it was isolated on it's own land far away from human civilization.

"I see your new Eve is rich" Kuro said as he and Lily walked side by side.

"I'm not rich" Misono said as one of the twins handed him a tablet and he started typing what seemed like a book report on it "I just have a lot of money."

"S-Same thing" Mayu muttered in confusion.

"No" Misono said firmly "there is a big difference!"

'What difference?' Everyone thought to themselves.

Misono handed the tablet back to one of the twins and sighed deeply as Lily threw open the doors of the mansion and they all stepped inside. Mayu noticed that Misono was walking slowly and limping as though he was in pain but it wasn't noticeable unless you really looked.

"Having a house this big is necessary. Lily is fond of orphans and abandoned children so he takes them under his wing and makes them into subclasses like these two." Misono said while pointing at the pink haired twins.

"W-What's a s-s-subclass?" Mayu asked curiously.

"Big brother doesn't tell you anything does he" Lily asked as he patted the girl's head "poor thing, he was never a man of many words."

"Shut up, pervert."

"How rude big brother!!!"

"A subclass is a human who has been turned into a vampire while on the brink of death" Misono explained as he ignored the vampire's squabbling.

"S-Sounds sad."

"Well" the purple haired teen replied "it's a part of a vampire's life I suppose."

The four, still accompanied by the twins which would be six, entered a sort of large foyer as Misono sighed deeply and something around his waist started to glow. Seconds later a strange sort of chair appeared glowing a dark purple, as Misono sat upon it and Lily stood behind him; one of his arms resting on it as the other summoned a long scythe that was glowing the same color as Misono's strange chair.

Mayu fidgeted slightly at the large weapon in Lily's hand and Misono's sudden disappearance of kindness. Kuro became more alert at their strange attitudes and stood in front of Mayu slightly as he gave Lily a warning look.

"Another reason my house is so big is because I plan to bring all the Servamps here to take Tsubaki down." Misono added.

"A-All of them?"

"Of course" Lily said with a small smile "but I'll have you know that Misono and I don't take very kindly to traitors or anyone who associations with Tsubaki. More then half of the children here became my subclasses purely on the fact that they were almost killed by Tsubaki's reckless attacks."

"If you're going to help Tsubaki" the Eve on the throne said "then we'll have no choice but to kill you."

Mayu gulped nervously at their threat even though it wouldn't effect her or Kuro in any way. She knew immediately that Tsubaki was the kind of person she didn't want to associate with or help at all no matter the circumstances.

"W-We don't want to h-help Tsubaki" Mayu answered before Kuro could speak "we w-want to take h-him down too!"

Her words had an immediate effect as Lily smiled happily and made his scythe disappear and a small grin appeared on Misono's face along with a tiny blush.

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