32. Battle Preparations

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Mayu reopened her chocolate brown eyes and quickly closed them again at the harsh overhead lights that bore into them with their harsh rays.

She was quite tired, to say the least, and her head was pounding tremendously as though someone was beating it with a jackhammer. Nonetheless, as she turned her head slightly to the right and saw Kuro lying there beside her, she blushed deeply before smiling happily in pure joy. Not only had she successfully managed to heal the blue haired vampire of that poison but she had also managed to pull him completely from the darkness which means she had won the wager against Inner Kuro. Despite the upcoming war against Tsubaki things were for once starting to seem perfect in the eyes of Mayu Adachi.

"Mayu, my friend, are you ok?!?!"

The caramel colored hair hair turned towards the worried voice in surprise to see Misono with Lily standing in the background talking to Doubt Doubt. Mikuni was standing right alongside Misono and Johannes was nowhere to be seen.

"Misono!" May exclaimed in surprise as she quickly sat up "what are you doing here?!"

"Checking on my best friend, of course!" Misono replied with the tone of worry never leaving his voice "as soon as Mikuni called me and told me you were in trouble I rushed over here with Lily as quickly as possible and brought this in case anything was wrong!!"

Misono slammed a large, metal briefcase on the table and opened it to reveal a numerous amount of bandages, alcohol wipes, cast, and other medical supplies that might have been necessary for any kind of dire emergency. Everyone sweatdropped and stared at the purple haired teen in disbelief as Mikuni smirked and adjusted the hat that was snugly on his head.

"Well calling you was a difficult feat seeing as you have me blocked on almost everything, little brother." Mikuni said.

Mayu let out a small sound of surprise and stared at the two brothers only to notice that Misono was glaring angrily at Mikuni with a slightly murderous look in his eyes. Lily, noticing this look, quickly stepped forward and stood in front of Misono as Doubt Doubt did the same with Mikuni.

'Do they not like one another?' The confident girl thought curiously.

"Mikuni-senpai!" Lily said cheerfully "it's been quite a few years hasn't it?"

"It has" Mikuni agreed with a small grin as Misono's anger slowly disappeared "it's good to see you again All of Love."

"I go by Lily now, actually."

"Oh? Well then it's nice to see you again, Lily."

Mayu shook of the strange dislike between the brothers and turned towards Kuro to see he was fast asleep and his chest was rising and falling peacefully as though this were the first time in his existence that he had gotten a good night's rest. Mayu's face suddenly turned a deep shade of red and she nervously glanced away from the Servamp as her heart too stared to beat at an abnormal right. Something seemed different now...every time she looked at him she felt all queasy and nervous inside and her face continuously heated up as though someone had set fire to it with a match.

It was strange...very strange.

"Mikuni" the girl said, turning towards said man "our introduction to one another wasn't that favorable but we do happen to need your help; Jeje's as well."

"Little ol' me?" The eldest Alicein said with slight surprise "well then how can I possibly be of service to you?"

"You're not in service to her!" Misono snapped rudely as he placed one hand on his hip and used the other to point at Mikuni almost accusingly "you're in service to me!! You'll do what I say when I say it and I don't want to hear any bitching from you about it, understand that peasant?!"

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