28. Mayu Adachi, the creator's daughter

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What does one do when a gun is pointed at them?

Do you scream?

Try to dodge?

Plead for mercy?

Try to fight?

Whatever it is you do, Mayu simply sat there and stared at the gun as her hands trembled in disbelief and deep confusion swirled around her. Who was this man and why on God's green earth was she here?! The name he had uttered earlier was still ringing fresh through her mind as though he was continously saying it.

Mayu Adachi.

That was no doubt the name of the creator's daughter but that could not possibly be her name...could it?

'No' she thought 'the creator's daughter is dead!'

Yes, that was it!

There were six bullets in a gun and he had already fired one which left him with five left.

Five bullets...

This man was simply out of his mind and clearly delusional. She couldn't be the creator's daughter because the creator, his wife, and his daughter were all dead. As harsh as it sounded that was the plain truth of the matter.

"W-Wait!!" Mayu exclaimed as the man raised an eyebrow and lowered the gun "the creator's d-daughter is dead!! S-So why are y-you doing t-this?!"

"Dead?" The man said, scoffing "that's the most pitiful lie I've ever heard for someone trying to avoid death."

The gun was raised again and Mayu, on instinct, lowered her head as a loud bang filled the room and another bullet lodged into the wall behind her. The man cursed angrily and Mayu raised her head up before standing up, ignoring her trembling legs and quivering lip.

Four bullets...

"M-Mayu Adachi is d-d-dead!!" She said as the gun was cocked again.

"Trust me" the man snapped as he stood up angrily, causing the chair to fall backwards and hit the ground hard "Mayu Adachi is alive and well because she's standing right in front of me!!!"

Mayu blinked slightly in surprise and released a quiet breath as she let this new and unfamiliar information lock into her brain. Kuro said that the creator and his daughter were both dead...so how was that even possible.

This man was obviously out of his mind.

"M-M-Me...the creator's d-daughter?!?!" Mayu said with a nervous laugh "that's a-absurd!!"

"Quite the contrary..."

Another bullet was fired and Mayu cowered slightly as it grazed past her right arm and tore easily at her fragile skin, making her crimson red blood begin dripping heavily to the floor as a burning hot pain erupted in her new wound.

Three bullets...

"...Mayu Adachi is alive..."

Another bullet was fired and this one grazed past Mayu's right leg, leaving a deeper, bloodier wound as she fell to the floor an screamed in pain.

Two bullets...

"...and she's been hiding from us for quite a while..."

Yet another bullet tore through Mayu's skin and she sat on the ground in a bloody, pained, crying heap as the man stood directly in front of her and held the gun up to her forehead. The cold material of the weapon sent a chill through her body as it was touching her forehead and her fast beating heart had strangely returned to a normal pace.

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