10. Tell me why...?

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"This is how we got attacked the first time" Kuro said frowning as he stared around at the cozy, quaint cafe "don't you have coffee at home?"

"I-I do" Mayu said shyly "but I r-really like this c-cafe and I really h-hoped you would too."

Kuro sighed deeply and slumped against the table in fake despair as his red eyes examined the girl that sat in front of him.

Almost immediately after Mahiru had went into the comfort of his apartment, the female Eve had dropped her school things off inside the apartment, grabbed her purse, and pratically dragged the reluctant vampire to this cafe. He wouldn't lie, the coffee and freshly baked pastries made his mouth water but he would also prefer to be in bed sleeping right now.

A waitress delivered Mayu's steaming cup of French Vanilla coffee and Kuro's plate of fresh strawberry cheesecake before walking off. Kuro dug into his sweet cake as Mayu watched him with amusement and gingerly sipping at her coffee so as to not burn the root of her mouth.

"Why'd you bring me here?" Kuro said, sighing deeply.

Mayu frowned slightly and shifted in her seat as she thought of a good excuse to give the vampire. It was a no braier that she had wanted to talk to him for some time now but she didn't know how to engage the conversation so she figured the cafe would help ease him into talking.

Obviously not.

"I-I don't k-know what y-you're talking a-about" she lied.

"You're lying" the vampire pointed out "and I can tell because you stuttered on that sentence more then usual."

'Damn, he got me...'

Mayu exhaled in defeat and took another sip of her coffee before setting it down on the table and looking up at Kuro.

"W-Why don't you trust h-humans, Kuro?"

This unexpected question surprise the Servamp and his eyes widened slightly before turning back to normal. He'd never been asked that before; when he held that temporary contract with Mahiru he had been hounded with question after question but never something that dug so deep into his personal life like this.

"Why should I tell you" he asked rather coldly "you ask me why I don't like humans yet you, a pathetic human, is asking me that? Tell me why you're asking?"

'There it is' Mayu thought 'I said something to evoke that cold side of him again. This must be a hard or painful topic'

"I'm a human, yes" she replied "b-but as your Eve I'd l-like to know m-more about you and see if I-I can be of any help."

"You want to help me?"


"Then shut up and stop asking stupid questions."

Silence fell between them after that and normally after a remark like that she would have remained silent but she wasn't going to give up so easily. She wasn't going to allow him to sink deeper and deeper into his sorrow and leave her behind like that.


"I will not!"

Kuro blinked in surprise and stared up at Mayu in pure confusion.

'Was that her talking?''

I believe so.

'Impossible, where was the stutter?!'

Don't ask me.

"You will not what?" Kuro persisted.

"S-Shut up!" she replied, her stutter returning "I refuse t-to do that until you open u-up to me and tell me why!"

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