5. The Vampire

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Mayu screamed slightly and took a giant step back as her back slammed against the wall and pain shot all throughout her body.

"What a pain..." The man said, setting the bowl down and standing up before walking over to her "you're going to attract unwanted attention."

"N-NO!!!" Mayu exclaimed as he neared closer "G-GET OUT!!!!"

She shoved him hard in the chest, knocking him down in the process, before running over to the other side of the room. In her haste, she ironically lost her footing and yelped before accidentally yanking the curtains open as she fell. A loud poof sounded throughout the apartment as did a painful thud as Mayu fell hard to the ground and winced slightly seeing as she had hit her head. The small amount of sunlight that was still left from the steady darkening sky streamed into her living room and created a orange atmosphere.

"Owie" she whined, slowly sitting up.

Suddenly remembering the predicament she was in, she gasped loudly and whipped around only to see...



The tiny black cat was lying on the ground where that boy had once stood and was staring at Mayu as she panted heavily in fear and quickly scooped the cat up in her arms. She surveyed her surroundings cautiously and trembled slightly at where that boy could have disappeared to so fast.

She had seen him just right there!!

She turns around for one second and...poof!!!


Mayu gasped loudly and exhaled deeply once she realized the sound had simply come from Kuro. She looked around once more then hesitantly looked down at Kuro to see that he was staring at her with his small red eyes.


Red eyes?

Now, not everyone is born smart, and not everyone is born stupid. Some people are just slower at comprehending things then others were, and Mayu will shamefully admit that she is in fact one of them. However, you didn't have to be Albert Einstein to figure this formula out because in the end it all spelled disaster with a capital D.

Mayu screamed loudly for what seemed like the tenth time already and threw the cat as it slammed against a wall and hissed in pain. She yanked the curtain closed and, as expected, her cute, adorable Neko transformed back into the intruding, ramen eating boy.

"What's your problem?!" Kuro said, hissing in pain "I should call animal control and tell them you're abusing a poor, defenseless kitty!"

Mayu groaned in frustration and fear before chucking the box of kitty treats she just realized she was still holding at her human cat. Kuro quickly dodged the attack and watched as Mayu panicked and grabbed a pillow off of the couch before throwing that as well.

"G-GET OUT!!!"

"Wait...! Let me explain...!"

"G-G-GET OUT OF MY H-HOUSE!!!!!!!!!"

"This is an apartment....don't throw that vase, Mayu!!"


Mayu threw the antique vase as hard as she could and Kuro, of course, dodged it as the porcelain vase slammed into the wall and shattered into tiny pieces before silence fell upon the apartment. Kuro frowned deeply and rubbed at his temples as though the mere though of being here drained him of energy.

"Girls are such a pain."

"W-W-Who are y-y-you?!" Mayu asked again, putting as much distance as possible between her and the man she had for now taken to calling Kuro "w-why are you h-h-here?! What even are y-you?!?!"

Epiphany of Rebirthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن