Chapter 24

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"You're telling me that Chorong is alive, but we can never get her back?" asked Mr. Kang. "We're so sorry Mr. Kang, but it was the only way we could save her" Rocky said sadly. "I also wanted her safe, as long as she's alive then we should be fine" said Mr. Kang.

"What do you mean 'we should be fine'?" I asked. "I was trying to get her and you away from the Devil, and her being alive means I could keep the promise I made to her parents that she'd be safe" he said "and you did mention that the Devil needed her alive, you said in your conditions that he'll keep her alive for us".

I nodded "but she's in the hands of the Devil, this is killing me Mr. Kang" I said. He glanced at Chanyeol and Chanyeol said "Suga sunbae here, fell in love with Ms. Park Chorong". I sighed in defeat because that's true.

Mr. Kang smiled "Hopefully the god of love will look upon you Suga and give you another chance to be with her. Sadly, I don't believe in mythology". "It's okay Mr. Kang, it's really nothing" I said. "It's not nothing Suga, this is the first time you've said more than 10 sentences to us" said Eunji.

"Anyways, since you weakened the Devil, kept Chorong safe, and saved V, your reward is all of you shall go up one level" said Mr. Kang. "So what does that do to me?" I asked. "You can leave if you Suga, but you're free to stay as well" said Mr. Kang.

"I'll stay, I don't have any plans to go anywhere anyway" I said. "I hope all of you will return to normal schedules and Ms. Jung Eunji, your room shall be room 67, if Ms. Park comes back, she'll be your room mate" said Mr. Kang.

Eunji faked tears "BUT SHE'S NOT HERE T_T". "Then you'll have a room all to yourself" said Chanyeol. "That's no fun now is it?" she said while raising her eyebrows at him. "Okay then because , since I have a lot of things on my plate right now, next month there shall be a ceremony of your recognition. Everyone will know what you've done an what good talent you have to go against someone strong like that" said Mr. Kang.

We all nodded and left the room. "I sure hope Chorong's doing fine there" I heard the demon say. "You and I both demon, I really wish there was some other way but sadly, there wasn't" I said. "There IS a way, and that way is Chorong's choice. The Devil said she can leave but we can't go and get her" said the Demon "and again, my name is NAMJOON not DEMON!" he said.

"But you're a demon aren't you?" I asked. "Yeah but-" "So I'll call you demon" I said with a playful smirk. "I miss Noona!" Rocky complained. "We miss her too, but the Devil said we can't go back anymore" Inseong said while patting Rocky's back.

"I never even got the chance to say goodbye!!" Rocky complained again. "Neither did we, hopefully she'll understand when she wakes up" Eunji said.

"This really is killing me" said the demon "I can't even hear her voice from here, here and hell is too far". "Maybe she's still recovering, I mean that was a heck of a lot of blood she lost for Suga sunbae" said Inseong. "I still can't believe she did that for me" I said with a deep sigh.

"Come on, now isn't the time to be sulking and moping, we should be celebrating. We've gone up one level and Chorong is safe and alive" Chanyeol said with a bright smile. "You're right, Let's go celebrate together, I heard A-7's Kim Seok Jin is a great chef, let's go tell him the great news and he'll cook" Eunji said backing Chanyeol up.

Everyone started running behind Chanyeol and I just walked behind them, demon\Namjoon stayed behind as well. "It's good to know Chorong made friends like them, and liked a guy like you" he said. "What do you mean, liked a guy like me?" I said while looking down and keeping my hands in my pocket.

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