Chapter 9

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"Take a seat Chorong" he said and and I did as told. He sighed and put his hands together on his desk and spoke. "Your father and I were best friends in high school and we were both Angels. There was nothing much that went on in our lives until your mother transferred in" Mr. kang paused after standing up and walking towards the window.

"Your Mother was a demon, but they let her come in the school because she betrayed her own kind to come to us. Your father and your mother fell in love that year and I supported them until the end. They were happy together until the Devil wanted your mother to return. She didn't want to, neither did your father so what they did was, they ran away together and lived in a house deep within the woods. Your father kept in touch with me so I'd be sure they're alright" Mr. Kang smiled as he said his story.

"Until one night, they called me to tell me that you were born, their little Angel was born. Months passed as they took care of you and they called me to inform me that you were a cross. They said if anything happened to them, I'd be taking care of you. I told them nothing would ever happen because they're tough and strong. Until one night, I never got a call. I tried to contact both of your parents but neither of them answered and I grew worried" His smile faded as he looked down to his feet.

"I turned on my TV and found out on the news about a fire in a house in the middle of the woods. They said there were no survivors and I panicked even more. I thought I had disappointed your father by not coming for you so I searched for your name everywhere to know if you were dead or not. I couldn't find you until you came here. The envelope you gave me the first time you came to my office, had a threat written inside. They said if I don't surrender, they'll kill you. I then knew for sure that they had you" Mr. Kang said as he sniffed up his tears.

It took me a while to process what he was saying "so wait, you're adopting me?! Really?!". I need to get away from that school before it kills me with annoyance. I'd be happy to give that room to Sana. Mr. Kang nodded "and there's more I need to tell you". I then got even more curious "what's that?".

He sighed "I assigned Mr. Min to protect you. He's the best Chaser in this school and to be sure Enigmas wouldn't come after you, I assigned him to protect you in return he can leave the school whenever he wishes to but apparently, he doesn't want to leave". My eyes widened "if he's protecting me, why does he get so mad at me so much?".

Mr. Kang chuckled "the only reason why he yelled at you was because you went alone and he wasn't there to protect you. I don't know what his motive is to agree to it but he probably got worried for your well-being, understand him then pack your bags at the orphanage because you're moving to the dorms as well as you to transfer to this school".

I nodded "can you not transfer me? I can't lose my best friend". I was talking about Namjoon and Mr. Kang sighed "he's a demon Chorong, the Devil might want him back. For you, I have a reason to take you, you're part angel but he is a full demon". I nodded sadly, now I have to choose between freedom from hell or my friendship with a demon.

I stood up and said "I'll just go back to the orphanage to pack my stuff up". Mr. kang nodded "I'll follow" I nodded and left his office. Outside, I found Namjoon, Suga, Eunji, Chanyeol, Inseong,and Rocky by the door. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "I came to apologize, I didn't mean to almost burn you" Inseong said as he bowed 90 degrees. "It's okay" I answered.

Eunji ran to me and hugged me "I'm so glad you're okay!". Chanyeol patted my back "that was cool! Congrats on being alive". Eunji slapped his head "what kind of compliment is that? Congrats on being alive?! You're such a weirdo". Chanyeol glared at Eunji and she did the same to him.

Namjoon sighed at me and Rocky came smiling brightly "You should have told me you met this boy" then ruffled Rocky's hair. "Hyung! You're just jealous I can dance way better than you" he said and Namjoon started running after Rocky. After all of them, Suga was left. I pointed at him, "You, I have things to talk about with you".

I grabbed his arm and dragged him into class D-10 that was very close. "Why didn't you tell me you were protecting me instead of yelling at me like I broke your favorite vase?!" I said. "I guess the old geezer told you already, I'm doing it for my own reasons don't take it the wrong way" he said with his hands in his pockets.

I blocked the door "you're not going anywhere until you tell me why". I tried to intimidate him but he was intimidating to me. He sighed and muttered something under his breath. He walked closer to me and put his hand on the door right behind me. Our faces were only inches apart but I tried to keep a poker face on.

"Are you gonna move? or do I have to kiss you?" he said with a low voice. What the hell?! He's gonna kiss me?! "You're bluffing" I said quite confident. "Am I?" he said and his lips were getting closer to mine. "Where's V?"I asked so he wouldn't kiss me. "If you're thinking of stalling so I wouldn't kiss you and you can keep me here, then think again" he smirked and I knew he was serious.

I sighed then moved out of the way. Suga smirked "thanks cross" then left the room. "Hey! You didn't answer me, where is he?!" I yelled at Suga. "He's back at C-12, you can pick up your boyfriend there" he said without looking at me and kept walking away.

"What's his deal?" asked Namjoon who appeared out of nowhere with Rocky. I pulled Namjoon's arm so I can whisper to him "can demons heal?" he shook his head at me. "That's an Angel's job" he said and I sighed. "I need to go get something at C-12, I'll see you there" I said and ran to class C-12 where Suga and I left him there sleeping.

I opened the door and ran to the couch V was sleeping on. He was still sleeping and I calmed down. His breathing was stable, I actually got scared that someone almost killed him back in B-10. I sat on a chair and checked my phone. It's only 5 o'clock, yet I'm feeling so sleepy. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier as I sat staring at my phone.

My sleepiness took over me and I fell asleep.

"Thanks for helping me out Chorong" V said as he walked towards me. My heart beat faster as he walked closer and closer then our faces were merely centimeters apart. I closed my eyes but as soon as I did, I heard a loud noise.

I opened my eyes and found Suga trying to beat V up by throwing a punch at him but I ran to him and stopped him. "What are you doing?!" I yelled at him but he ignored me, took out his knife and stabbed V's stomach. I screamed and watched at he turned to dust in front of me.

It wasn't V, Suga glared at me and walked away. I ran after him but when I grabbed his arm, he shoved me away "you should learn what is right and wrong with that courage of yours" he said coldly and walked away from me like I had betrayed his world.

I woke up with a gasp and I kept breathing heavily. V was still sleeping and I felt so guilty inside. It was just a dream, it was just a dream, it was just a dream. There's nothing to feel guilty about. Somehow telling myself these words is crazy. I turned my phone on and turned on the flashlight, it's a good thing Namjoon gave me someone to talk to.

I flashed the flashlight at me and I turned my back on it to look at my shadow. "You know the dream right?" I asked with a whisper and my shadow nodded. "Do you feel guilty too?" I whispered and my shadow nodded as well. I thought of another question and asked my shadow "who is better, V or Suga?point at my left hand if V and point at my right hand if Suga".

My shadow pointed at my left hand then my shadow's hand was shifting to my right hand. Then my shadow just shrugged. I put my hands together like I was praying to my shadow "please help me out, this dream is going to haunt me now". My shadow looked like she wanted to pat my back but wasn't able to.

I wanted to cry so badly until I heard a voice in my head. "I know it's hard for you, but let's take things step by step and learn what we must, we are one person Chorong. I'm just telling you what's deep inside of you. Don't worry, it's just me your shadow". I looked up to my shadow and she was nodding like she was comforting me. "You have no idea how much I want to hug someone right now" I whispered to my shadow and I heard the voice in my head again. "Namjoon is still here, he's outside with Rocky" I nodded and ran out the door.

Namjoon was there with Rocky and I hugged him with tears flowing out of my eyes. I did this to him every time I felt scared. Namjoon just patted my back and Rocky handed me tissue. "What's wrong Chorong?" Namjoon asked, but he knows I don't answer him when I'm crying and just let me cry in peace. 

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