Chapter 7

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Okay, I can't go back in there so I'll just go somewhere I know someone. I only have one place to go, I sighed and made my way to C-12. I kept walking until I found C-12. I hesitated on knocking on the door,because I'm weirded out by who could open the door , I knocked anyway and the door opened a bit.

I opened the door even wider but the lights were off and I could barely see anything in the room. What is with the people of this school and hiding? "Hello? Is Suga here?" I looked around for a light switch. I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight, okay where is the light switch?

I lit up my path and found a knife on the ground. I picked it up and found it dry, maybe he dropped it. "What are you doing here?" I gasped at the voice behind me. I calmed down after I found out it was Suga. "I was looking for you and, What kind of person turns off the lights when you're in the room?!" I said. "I was taking a nap, why were you looking for me?" he asked very straight forwardly.

"V said I belonged to D-10, I went there but when I told a guy named Inseong from E-6 I was a cross, he fired a fireball at me. Now, I have nowhere to go and you're the only person I really know in this school so please help me out" I pleaded, I hate pleading but now I'm desperate.

Suga chuckled and crossed his arms "that guy Inseong, has a thing about demons. He said his friend was taken away by one and always despised them. Since you are part demon, he probably had an instinct to attack you". "Is this funny to you?" I asked with some anger in my tone. "Not really, but I'm amused someone tried to kill you on your first day, did you make any new friends today?" he smiled sarcastically.

I sighed "yeah, I think like the Chanyeol guy who says he's a Magnet". Suga nodded "he's intimidatingly tall though, go back to them then". "Do you want to fry me Suga?!" I yelled at him. He shook his head with a tsk "Mr. Kang put me in charge of you if Jimin isn't around so if you get fried, so will I".

I rolled my eyes "you are so annoying". He smirked "I know you are, but what am I?".

Oh God, I want to punch this guy until his teeth fall out. "Suga" I called out to him. He hummed in response "could you tell me what class V is in? I think I prefer a cute guy like him than a jerk like you". He put his hand on his chest "I am offended, he's in B-10, now leave so I can enjoy my nap you so rudely interrupted".

I smiled and ran to B-10, I felt more excited to see V than Mr. Jerk Face a.k.a. Min Suga. I opened the door and found V sitting in a table with headphones on. His eyes were closed as he listened to the music. He looked so calm and I tapped his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled, My heart is melting~~~ <3 "hey Chorong" he said with a square smile.

"I thought you went to class D-10?" V asked. "Well, I didn't seem wanted there so, I came here, I had no one else to go to" I said innocently. "Chorong, I'm a Boon that practices Magic and spells, I can see through your lies" he said with a smirk. "Y-you can?!" I stuttered. "I know you went to Suga hyung before you came to me because you think he's a jerk, and I think it's sweet of you to think my smile is cute" he said with a smirk and patted my head.

I think I'm blushing like a tomato right now. I sighed and said "and I have nothing else to do, do you mind if I just hang here?". He nodded "go ahead, there are books there if you like reading". He pointed at a wall on the other side of the room, I jumped in excitement and ran to it. I looked through the books, most of them were adventure, science-fiction, and horror. "V! Don't you have any Romance novels?" I asked but there was no response.

"V?" I walked closer to where he was, but there was still no response. "V? Did you leave?" I asked again yet there was still no response. I quickened my pace and found him lying on the floor. "V!" I ran to him and checked his pulse. He's still alive, I sighed in relief that he was just unconscious. I tried shaking him to wake him up.

"V, V, wake up! You scared me!" I said trying to put a smile on my face. He wasn't waking up though, so I had to carry him by putting his arm around me so I could drag him to Mr. Jerk Face. I just need to go from class B-10 to class C-12 it's not that far.

I knocked on class C-12 ,well technically I punched it several times, until Suga would open it for me. He opened it but he looked like he just woke up but when his eyes landed on V, his eyes widened. "Whatever you did to him, please don't do it to me" he said with his hands up like he was surrendering. "I didn't do this, he told me to look around the room and when I went back to him, I found him unconscious on the floor" I explained.

He sighed, "I can't believe I have to sacrifice my precious sleep for someone else's. Put him on the couch a door to the left". I raised my eyebrows at him, he sighed and grabbed V "be careful with him!". Suga rolled his eyes on me "I can't believe you're crushing on this guy". "I am not crushing on him!" I defended but Suga rolled his eyes and pointed to something behind me. I turned around and found my shadow nodding and giving thumbs up.

I pointed my finger at my shadow "you shut up" then my shadow raised her hands as if she was surrendering.

"You can go back to class D-10 now" Suga said as he put V on the couch. "Why? They might burn me" I said. "I took care of Inseong, he's in his E-6 class. So leave so I can have my class" He said. "Your class in dreamland I presume?" I said with my arms crossed. He smirked and nodded "bye".

I walked back to class D-10 and found Chanyeol and Eunji glaring at each other and another new guy listening to music. "Chorong! You're back! I'm so sorry about what happened with Inseong, he just had a little panic attack" Chanyeol said with a nervous smile. Eunji scoffed "more like panic, attack!". Eunji smiled at me and offered her hand to me "hi, I'm Jung Eunji, I'm a Telekine in class D-5".

"What's a Telekine?" I asked as I shook her hand. "I control things with my mind" she said with a sweet smile. She stood for a demonstration and lifted the book on a table 5 meters away from us. She placed her fingers on her temples and the book started to move and float. Once it was high enough for her, the book went flying and hit Chanyeol's stomach.

"OUCH! EUNJI! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled on the ground. "You hit me with a metal case, this is just pay back" she explained. "I was moving the metal case to show Chorong my power! You just got in the way!" he complained. "I was also showing Chorong my powers, you also got in the way" she answered innocently.

"Anyway, Chanyeol told me you're Park Chorong, you're a cross correct?" she asked. I nodded and another guy student came. "You're a cross? That is so cool!" said the boy who looked extremely young to be in this school. "Oh, sorry. I'm Park Minhyuk, but my former classmates liked to call me Rocky" he said with a bright smile.

"Park Minhyuk? But Mr. Kang said you're an ordinare" I said, confused. "I also thought I was, but when I drank my water in class and spit it out, it went flying and forming different shapes. I thought I was going crazy until I told Mr. Kang, now, I'm and Elementum for water in class E-3" he said excitedly.

"Do you know Kim Namjoon?" I asked him, "Yeah, he's my mom's friend's son, are you the Park Chorong he says is his only friend?" he asked me and I nodded. "I'm glad you're his friend because before, I was his friend but our age gap was 4 years so we'd never really come to an understanding. Especially when he broke my toys when I was 6 and he was an emo before he finally had a friend".

I then realized that Namjoon told me that I was the only one who knew he was a demon. "Should we call you Minhyuk or Rocky?" I asked. "I prefer Rocky" he answered. Rocky might not know what Namjoon is even though they have been friends longer than I knew Namjoon. I wonder how class is going for him. Eunji approached me as she laid a hand on my shoulder "Chorong-shi, have you talked to Mr. Kang about your past?". 

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