Chapter 16

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"Why are the pages ripped out?" I wondered out loud. "What pages?" said a voice that made me gasp. "Don't scare me like that!" I shouted. "Sorry, what book is that?" Chanyeol asked. "It's 'the power of angels' but the pages about the Cross are ripped out", my one chance to figure out what I am and here I am staring at a destroyed book.

"You won't find anything about a Cross in books Cho, we've tried, but maybe the Devil despised the idea of a mix of angel and demon and made sure no one knew anything about it" he said "now if you excuse me, I have some book reading about what Magnet people are and what other cool things I think I can do".

He left me at the table and went to a different bookshelf, pulled out a book, and started reading. I sighed when I looked at the book. I touched the ripped edges and pulled my hand back, it stung. "Chan, are there any books about demons here?" I asked then he raised his hand and pointed to the left meaning the books would be on the left side of the room.

"Thanks Chan" I said and he put his thumb up like he was saying "you're welcome". I went to the left shelf and found 'the power of demons' it was written by the same person but the name was smudged. I reached for the book and pulled it out.

It fell to the ground because I didn't catch it then the shelves started shaking. "What the-" then the shelves started moving backwards. "Cha-Chanyeol? Chanyeol?" I said but then I heard snoring. Oh god, he fell asleep while reading. The shelves moved backwards then they moved to the right, revealing a secret passage way.

"Woah, should I go in?" I asked myself and went right through. It was so dark so I turned on my flashlight and lit my path. I kept walking in the dark path and saw nothing in my way at all. The shelf moved behind me, trapping me inside.

"Is this just a trap of some sort?!" I yelled. "Chanyeol-ah! Get up! Help me out!" I yelled but there was no response. Ugh, I hate this boy. I turned back at the path and continued walking. I kept walking until I found a wooden door on my right. The door had a lot of scratches so fear started creeping up my spine.

I knocked and there was no response, I don't know if that's good or bad but I have to go with my gut. I opened the door and it was so dark. I looked around the room for a light switch and found one right by the door frame. I flipped it and the light flickered. "What is this place?" I muttered and looked around. There were tables on the sides of the room and the chairs were laying on the ground. There was a black board in front then I realized, this was a classroom.

I walked towards the black board and traced my finger on it. It wasn't stinging until I touched the board eraser. I retracted my hand "why is it stinging me?" I asked myself. I picked up a chalk but it also stung me. I dropped it and looked around for something else.

I left the room and made the flash stronger and saw more doors up ahead. If these are classrooms, there has to be something about Crosses here. I went from room to room to look for books about Crosses but the pages were either covered in mold, ruined, or ripped. Again.

There were about 50 classrooms, was this what they used back when demons and angels got along. I wonder why they had to hide it, this would've been useful for the students now. I mean, look at Chanyeol, instead of reading, he's probably sleeping with the book covering his face.

I saw another room at the very end and knocked, just to be sure no one's inside, I opened it and found so many books.

I immediately ran to them and checked if they're about Angels or demons or Crosses. "Nope, Nope, Nope, ugh! They're everything I'm not looking for!" I exclaimed. All of them were 'what Illusions can do', 'how K9s were made' and other stuff that I don't need.

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