Chapter 4

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I have to go back to the orphanage, honestly I think school is better than the orphanage, because there, I feel like a new student that is told to make new friends there everyday. I hate it, no one understands me, they take one look at me and say "she's pretty but her attitude is terrible". I hate it. At least in school I have Namjoon to talk to. I wish I could just live in his house but I need his mom's permission, his mom is barely around and his dad left a few years ago and by left I mean to heaven.

I walked to my room that I shared with a really annoying girl, Sana. She may be a pretty girl but she is hella annoying. I opened the door and found her sitting on my bed. I glanced at her bed and found it full of clothes and trash. I rolled my eyes "what are you doing on my bed". "My bed's full, go sleep somewhere else tonight" she said. "Where do you expect me to sleep?" I asked trying to hide my anger. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows "do I look like I care?".

I never got mad at her or anything because a really bad thing happened to her parents, her dad died in a car crash and her mom died in a fire so I thought getting mad might make her cry. Now, I think seeing her cry would be the best thing for me but then, I might be moved to another orphanage that might make me go further from my life now.

I sighed and said "whatever, tell Ms.Song I'm sleeping over at my friend's house again, not like she'll care". "Wow, you're such a whore and a slut, you think I don't wonder why you're always sleeping over at your guy friend's house" Sana said to me as she stood up from my bed. I flexed my jaw "December 12, 2016. You punched one of the head of a different orphanage, she got unconscious because she hit her head on a counter and when she woke up, she didn't remember who caused it. Lucky you, you got away with it. I have proof Sana, and it's in my phone. If you make any false accusations at me, I will show this to Ms. Song and you can pack up and leave this orphanage".

Sana stared at me shocked "fine, I'll keep my mouth shut but with your reputation, it'll come out on it's own anyways". Do not fall for her tricks Chorong, I smirked at her "yeah, then I guess we'll both pack up and you can say goodbye to your precious Mark". Mark is her crush at school, most likely a demon like her (I'm just assuming), and she tries to be popular for him to notice her. If desperation had a picture to describe it, it would be her.

"Get out of my room" she tells me. "Our room, or if you like, it's shall be my room" I smirked at her. "You can't overpower me forever Chorong, I can take the only friend you have away from you" She said as I left the room. Yeah, you do that Sana, and I'll rip you to pieces, though, on the inside, I was crying. I never want to lose my only friend.

I ran back to Namjoon's house, knowing I have no where else to go, I tried to run as fast as I can until something blocked my way. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Someone yelled and pushed me to the ground. "He-" I was about to yell at who pushed me but he covered my mouth as if something was after us.

It was already dark so we were camouflaged in the grass. Some black thing passed above us, it was see-through, it looked like a flying black skeleton with a transparent black cloth on it. It still looked scary like it was ready to take my soul. It disappeared and the hug holding me down let go of me.

I stood up "Who are you?! Why the hell did you just tackle me to the ground?! And what was that just now?!". Yeah, I bombarded him with questions while practically scolding him. His hair covered his face so he wasn't recognizable. He stood up, he was kinda taller than me, and his head hung low so he could dust the dust on his hair off.

"Look, I can tell you were trying to save me back there but-" I was going to continue what I was saying until he moved his hair out of his face, okay, that face caught me off-guard. "First of all, The name is Min Suga, I tackled you to the ground because those Enigmas could've killed you, and that thing was called an Enigma. Enigma stands for something unknown and mysterious" He offered his hand to me.

"So what are you, Enigmas don't go chasing random ordinare girls for no reason" Suga told me. "Well, I'm-I'm a-a-a cross" I muttered the last words. "It's been awhile since I've met a cross" he said and bent down to pick something up. I recognize him, The guy that bumped me before! "Hey I know you, you were the guy that wore glasses and bumped into me back in A.D. Academy, what are you exactly?".

He looked up at me and sighed "I'm Chaser, from C-12 I disguised myself to look more normal student like with a uniform and glasses so I wouldn't look suspicious and-why am I telling you this? you should be going where you're going before I tackled you".

"Suga" I called out to him. He looked back at me "what do you want?". "Could you accompany me to my friend's house? I'm still kinda new to this angel and demon thing so please help me out, there could be more Easter stuff around" I asked with a smile on my face. He raised an eyebrow at me, "First of all, it's called an Enigma and fine, where's your friend's house?". I smiled and he walked with me.

Suga was really difficult to have a conversation with. What do I expect? Okay, maybe I was a bit shocked with his handsome appearance and- No, I was just caught off-guard that's all, besides, there are loads of handsome faces in my school, but they're jerks. I reached Namjoon's house and bowed to Suga. "Thanks for accompanying me" I smiled embarrassed. He nodded at me and left. I knocked on Namjoon's door.

He opened it, but he was wearing his pajamas, his hair was messy, and was rubbing his eyes when he looked at me. "Sorry if I woke you up" I apologized. "No, don't worry about it, just head upstairs. You can stay until Friday, my mom comes back on Saturday. You don't need to apologize, I understand, just go to sleep, you look tired" Namjoon patted my head and smiled lazily. "Thanks Namjoon" I smiled at him.

"Come on you little knuckle head" He head-locked me and went inside. I went to the guest room that was always empty. Namjoon was already fast asleep, and I could hear his snoring from the guest room. I giggled a bit, Namjoon usually reminded me of my father.

"Chorong run!" My father yelled. I did as I was told and ran wherever was close. "Mommy, Daddy" I muttered. The fire was so big, I didn't know just what to do. I was frozen with fear and shock. I ran to them but the fire was getting bigger that it was spreading on the trees. The trees were growing weak and they fell in front of me.

I kept screaming as I ran away from the house, and the forest my house once was. I kept running until I ran out of breath then I fainted out of exhaustion. I woke up and found myself in an orphanage but growing up in an orphanage after watching my parents disappear wasn't good for my mind.

I kept being transferred from one orphanage to another because of my cold and rude attitude. I never had any friends until the one day I thought it was of no use.

Usual lobby, usual students ignoring and avoiding me, usual everything. If I disappeared everything would be usual still. I was making my way to the toilet with my cutter in my hand until someone tripped over a bag and ran into me. His nose was bleeding, "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I tried to carry him clinic.

I did what was needed for him to stop his nose from bleeding more. "Thanks, um..." "Chorong, I'm Park Chorong and you are?" "I'm Kim Namjoon". That's how he became my only friend, the only reason I got rid of my could have been permanent solution to a temporary problem.

"He's practically my only family left" I muttered under my breath. Ding I got another message. I opened my phone and it was from A.D. Academy again. I read the message:

"Ms. Park Chorong, if you can, please come back to A.D. Academy. We have not yet finished our conversation, you still have more yet to learn. We can help you with a lot of things, we can help you regain your memories. The memories you father tried so hard to make you forget"

My father? They know my father? That's it, starting tomorrow, I'm going to get myself more answers. More questions, and more things to know. My parents disappeared from my life when I was six years old, here I am 11 years later and it's the only time I get my answers.

A.D. Academy, you've got some major questions to answer.   

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