Chapter 15

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I screamed to the top of my lungs. The Enigma still went closer to me, slowly and slowly.

I suddenly felt like I had to stay silent until my door burst open. "Chorong!" Suga came in and yelled then took out a knife and stabbed the Enigma, making it turn to gas and disappear. I felt so frozen, was that what was talking to me in my sleep? Or was I just going crazy in my sleep.

"Chorong, Are you okay?" Suga held my shoulders and I nodded. "I'm fine, really I'm fine" I answered. Suga sighed in relief then Mr. Kang came in. "Is everyone alright? Who screamed?" he asked and I raised my hand. "There was an Enigma in this room, I thought you said monsters can't go through these walls?" Suga asked.

"They can't, unless they were summoned by someone inside the room" Mr. Kang answered. "What do you mean? Are you saying I summoned it?" I asked sounding even more scared. Did I say something in my sleep that summoned the Enigma?

"Most likely, but weren't you asleep?" Mr. Kang asked. I nodded "but there was a voice in my dream, a voice that said I don't know myself". "It was probably her desire for answers that she summoned an Enigma to give her some" Mr. Kang said. "So what do we do now? What if I summon another one in my sleep?" I asked.

"I suggest you move to Mr. Suga's room for the time being, with a chaser and an angel in a room with you., I doubt anything bad will happen" Mr. Kang said. "Are you kidding me? Our room is no room for a girl!" Suga said but when he glanced at me, he sighed. "Fine, but where will she sleep? There's only two beds in that room" Suga argued.

Mr. Kang snapped his fingers and my bed disappeared "your bed is now double-deck Mr. Suga" he said. Suga sighed and nodded "fine, I'll go back to sleep now". I followed him and realized his room was just next to mine, no wonder he heard me so easily.

I climbed up to my bed which was above his and tried to put myself to sleep. I glanced at Jimin's bed and saw him wearing headphones, no wonder Suga heard me but he didn't. I sighed, maybe I'll try to wake up earlier so I could just meet up with Chanyeol in front of my dorm room.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Hopefully, I won't have a bad dream to remember.

Ding, Ding, Ding my alarm went off. I turned it off and looked at the time, 6:00 a.m. get your lazy butt up. Yeah, I wrote that on the alarm. I silently got up, fixed my bed and went down. Only to find out that Jimin and Suga weren't in the room. "Wow, they wake up early? I thought classes start at eight?" I said aloud and walked back to my room.

I washed up, changed my clothes, and went out of my room with my phone in my hands. "Chorong-ah!" I heard a familiar voice. "Hey Chan" I said. "Did anything happen last night? My roommate was gossiping to me that someone screamed in the middle of the night" he asked. "I don't know what happened, besides, they're rumors. Rumors aren't always true" I said. Yeah ,I lied to him, I can't tell everyone the truth.

"Oh, okay then, c'mon let's go I'm hungry" Chanyeol said and we made our way to the cafeteria. While walking, I asked "if you have a dorm room, how come I saw you walking to school with Eunji before?". Chanyeol thought for a while and said "oh yeah, I had to pick up something from a store and met Eunji there". We entered the cafeteria and all I got was ham sandwich, because I have no idea what the other stuff are, as well as some orange juice. I held my tray and Chanyeol nudged me "let's go sit there" he said and we walked towards a table with a guy sitting alone.

"Morning Inseong" Chanyeol said and he turned around. "Hey guys, oh Chorong's in the dorms now?" he asked and I nodded. "How was your first night?" Inseong asked. Terrible, horrifying, crazy "it was great" I answered. "Where's your room?" I asked. "I'm in room 54, with some guy in class M-6" he answered casually.

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