Chapter 3

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"Okay, we're back at the creepy school" Namjoon clapped his hands. "May I see the message again?" I handed him my phone and he opened the message "I guess we need to look for a room A-4, wherever that is" Namjoon said.

I looked around, no signs whatsoever. I started walking wherever I wanted to. "Do you know your way around here Cho?" Namjoon asked me. "There! It says B-6, we can't be far so we should just keep moving forward" I said.

We kept passing by classroom numbers, but what does A-4 mean? Shouldn't it be 4-A referring to the grade level or something? I sighed we passed by an A-5 so I walked a bit faster "Look! A-4!" I pointed at the small sign above the door and Namjoon clapped "well done".

I knocked on the door but there was no response, "hello?" still no response. I quietly opened the door and peeked in the room. The light was on, someone should be inside. I quietly went in and Namjoon trailed behind me. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I asked again then a chair turned to face us. "Welcome, I presume you are Ms.Park Chorong looking for the man in a plain jacket" the man with black hair spoke to us.

He stood up and offered his hand to me "Good Afternoon, the name is Park Jimin. Welcome to A.D. Academy, Who is this friend you brought?". I didn't shake his hand and said "His name is Kim Namjoon now, why did you tell me to come here?". "You're quite straight-forward, but I'll explain to you as we walk to where you are needed" Jimin said. "Wait, I'm needed?" that's knew, the only time I usually am needed is to get something.

"First, your friend needs to stay here" Jimin said. "That's not happening" I said sternly "Chorong, I can stay it's fine-" "I don't care, you came to keep me company and you will continue" I cut Namjoon off and said "why must my friend stay?". "We are not quite good friends with the people from your school and we need only you to come" Jimin explained wow, I can tell this guy is younger than me.

"Fine, whatever but if I see one scratch on him that wasn't his fault, you will receive a major punishment Mr.Jimin" I threatened him. Maybe this is why people avoid me, I'm usually like an overprotective older sister to Namjoon, I wonder if he get's annoyed by that.

"Please follow me" Jimin said and I followed leaving Namjoon in the small library. "Tell me something Mr.Jimin, why can I see the picture you people sent and Namjoon can't?" I asked out of so much curiosity. "Tell me what you saw in the picture" Jimin said. "A black bird flying in the gray sky" I answered nervously, what if I was actually crazy and they were testing me? Am I in an asylum?

"I guess you are the person we are looking for" Jimin said. "Where are we going? I'm confused because we already passed through a few corridors and we're not yet there" I asked. Seriously, this school has a huge question mark on it. I sighed "am I asking too many questions?" Jimin shook his head "other people asked more questions than you have here we are".

I stared at the door and it said B-12. "Speaking of signs, shouldn't the number come first before the letter?" I asked. "No, this school is different so please come in" Jimin said as he opened the door. There were sculptures everywhere, the first ones I saw were just sculptures of a man walking but as we passed by more, there were wings coming out of the man's back.

"What are you people?" I said out loud "You'll see, he'll explain everything to you" Jimin said, I could tell he was smirking. I just kept following him, we took a lot of turns until we reached another door that said 'Mr. Kang'. "Isn't your principal named Mr.Kang?" "Yes, this is how his office really looks like, the passage we took was the way to look at it" Jimin explained.

He opened the door and the man, whom I gave the envelope to, was sitting right there but his office was completely different than the first time I had gone there. There were portraits of angels on the wall but they were on the highest part of the wall, as if he didn't want anyone to touch them. "Hello Ms.Park, you're back do you know why?" Mr. Kang spoke to me.

"No, I don't know why that's why I'm here to find out" I said with disrespect very visible in my tone. "Let me tell you a story Ms.Park" he said. I groaned and plopped myself on a chair in his office. He began his story:

"Once upon a time, only angels and demons were not rivals but acquaintances. Angels would reward good people and demons would bring punishments to the bad people but something went wrong as they continued that tradition. Lucifer didn't like God making all the rules that even he had to follow. Lucifer wasn't a good person either, but God couldn't punish him since only demons had the power to do so. The battle between heaven and hell continued and because of that, they had forgotten all about their duties. Karma did all the work and everyone was forced to be on earth. The demons had their secret hideout and the angels' had their own, now, they are disguised as students for to rival schools" Mr. Kang finished his story.

"Are you guys the angels or the demons?" I asked. "We are the angels and-" "my schoolmates are demons" I finished Mr.Kang's sentence. "Yes, precisely" Mr.Kang said "You seem to be taking all this information remarkably well" he continued. "I'm very desperate for answers and you guys are giving it to me so, are you all angels? Or only majority?" I asked. "Those who live in the dorms are angels, like Mr. Jimin here is an angel but some aren't angels and are categorized with other of their kind." Mr.Kang said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "The letters above the room are a clue of what inside, for example C means chaser and B means Boon" Mr Kang explained. "What about Park Minhyuk? My friend says he knows him" I said. "Ah, Mr. Minhyuk is a very talented boy but he is just a normal human being, he is unaware of angels and more in this school along with other students that don't live in the dorms. Our term for normal people like him is Ordinare. That's why he is in the O class but it only reaches O-4 so there would be no suspicion" Mr. Kang answered. "What do normal people think of students in other levels? Like the As and Bs" I asked. "Some ordinares are in those classes but they just think it's a different course, the ones that aren't ordinares stay in school longer to learn the things that aren't normal, that's all" he explained.

"Okay, so why did you call a student from a demon's school to an angel's school?" I asked. "Because you are different, we found out with the picture we had sent you" Mr. Kang said. "What do you mean?" Okay, I'm freaking out now, what does that picture have to do with anything?

"Mr. Jimin had messaged me that you could see a black bird in the gray sky correct?" I nodded "Normal people would see absolutely nothing in the picture, demons would see the gray sky, angels would only see the black bird, but you are different. You saw the black bird in the gray sky, you are what we prefer to call a cross" Mr. Kang calmly explained.

"Wait, demons see only the gray sky?" I asked just to be sure. "Yes" he answered. "No, that can't be" I was panicking. I stood up, walked to Jimin, and said "take me back to room A-4". He nodded and Mr. Kang shrugged behind me. Jimin walked and I hurriedly trailed behind him.

We were back at room A-4, Namjoon was still there sitting but was staring at his phone now probably playing a game. Before we went in, I asked "is it possible for a demon to be unaware of what he is?". Jimin sighed "it is possible but someone or something would have already told him what he is". "Are all demons bad?" I asked. "If he's on Lucifer's side, then he could be" Jimin said and I walked straight to him.

"Oh you're back, what did they need you for?" Namjoon asked me. "Come with me" I said. He stood up and followed me out of the school. If I was to talk to him about angels and demons, I should get him far away from their two territories.

We reached a small park, it was empty though even on a weekend. "Do you know who you are?" I asked Namjoon. "I'm Kim Namjoon, your friend" he answered innocently, makes me regret even suspecting him. "Do you know what you are?" I could feel the tears resisting to come out.

He could see it already "I'm a demon, I know Chorong, but I'm not on Lucifer's side, no one else knows I'm a demon. Chorong, I never told you because I thought I'd scare you away" he explained. I sighed "it's fine, but you're still my friend right?". Namjoon smiled a bit "of course I am, come here". He spread his arms wide and I ran to him for a comforting hug.

I let go "do you know what I am?" I asked, he nodded "ever since you tried to show me the picture that I couldn't see, I figured you weren't a demon like I was and hoped you were normal but apparently, I was wrong. Demons can hear the voice of someone they're used to hearing even from miles away, well at least you're a cross".

I smiled at him and he ruffled my hair. He headlocked me and messed my hair up. "Yah! Namjoon-ah, stop messing up my hair!" I yelled at him while laughing. Demon, angel, or human. This dude will be my brother-like best friend. No matter what. I just wonder if I have to go back to A.D. Academy tomorrow.   

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