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No one's POV:
"DONT TRY TO DO IT YOU B*TCH!!!" Jungkook shout when Bts and Got7 burst in.

"Ohhh look my future husband is also here for him to see you die Han" Minyoung said and smile evily to Hana.

"You dumb*ss im not here to see her die im here to save her" Jungkook say in anger and Minyoung held the knife tightly.

"You really love her huh?! To the fact that you will do everything just to save her" Minyoung said while looking down.

"Im sorry Minyoung but i dont love you..........anymore" Jungkook said calmly.

"Yes you are if not then what is the point for the dating me?" Minyoung ask while staring at Jungkook.

"Minyoung-ah you are right i love you and yes you are my first love but my love for you faded away when i saw you having s*x with Jackson hyung. My heart broke on that time Minyoung but i move on from you already" Jungkook said to Minyoung that is tearing up right now *i am jungkook's first love? I thought he is just using me like how he used other girls* minyoung thought.

"Why can you just love me again?" Minyoung ask while trying her best not to fall those tears that shes been hiding after the broke up.

"Minyoung i did love you with all of my heart and the two of us made a lot of memories that i cant forget and to be honest Minyoung you are still on my heart but....." jungkook pause.

"Im sorry Minyoung but i just can love you as my sister and bestfriend but not a lover" Jungkook said and Minyoung's anger came back again.

"No! Tsk, do you think im not going to stab your wife after all the things you say?" Minyoung said and smirk.

"AAAARRRGGGHHHH" Taeyeon scream in pain when Yorin stab her arm. Yorin laugh in happiness when she saw Taeyeon in pain *finally* Yorin thought and smile.

"NO! TAEYEON!!! YOU SLUT JUST GO TO HELL!!!" Taehyung burst in anger when she saw her lovely girl in pain and the worst is he cant do anything because he is been hold by a lot of mens.

"TAEYEON! PLEASE DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES PLEASE!!!" Taehyung yelled again when he saw so many bloods coming out from Taeyeon's arm and Taeyeon's eye is starting to get heavy.

Yujin stab Kan Mi's arm but much more deeper.

"AAAARRRGGGHHH" Kan Mi scream in pain and tears are coming out in the corner of her eyes.

Meanwhile Jinyoung's heart shattered into peices when he saw his love being in pain he is burning on fire because he cant do nothing but just to see Kan Mi in this condition.

"YOU WH*RE JUST DIE BECAUSE YOU DONT DESERVE TO LIVE IN THIS WORLD!!!" Jinyoung yelled at Yujin and you can see his eyes turning darker color because he really want to kill Yujin right now.

"No oppa she ruin our life because of her our love didnt meet together" Yujin said without feeling ashamed and Jinyoung look at her in disgust.

"F*CK YOURSELF YOU B*TCH!!!!" Jinyoung explode when he hear Yujin's unbelievable words *seriously this slut really know how to get me angry* Jinyoung thought and tosses his eye on his girl that is looking lifeless.

"KAN MI NO MATTER WHAT YOU MUST FIGHT THIS OKAY?!" Jinyoung yelled at Kan Mi but she just smile weakly at him *i love you Jinyoung* she thought  while looking at his prince.

But..........sadly Taeyeon and Kan Mi finally close their eyes.

"NO!" Hana yelled and tears are streaming down her cheeks because she cant believe that her lovely bestfriend and her lovely cousin finally close their eyes.

WHY HIM?! [✔]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora