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Hana's POV:
Someone shout and pull me from....the middle of the road?!
I look at the person and its Taeyeon and Kan Mi.

"Unnie why did you do that?" Kan Mi said and hug me.

"Yah! Are you stupid, why did you do that?" Taeyeon scold me.

"Im sorry" i said and look down.

"Lets go back now okay?" Taeyeon said and i nod.

When we turn around we saw a 5 mens that are smirking at us.

"Look's like we are lucky today" the men said and all of them laugh.

"Umm i think you got the wrong person" Kan Mi said and the three of us try to get out from them but instead i feel pain on my back and i fell on the floor.

The last thing i know is the three of us are being lift up by these men to a van.

Jungkook's POV:
Im crying here hard while the others are comforting me.

"Im so stupid, why did i believe that Minyoung is Hana?!" I shout while crying *im so sorry Hana* i thought and cry on Mark hyung's arm.

"Why Taeyeon doesnt answering her phone?!" V hyung said in irritation and ruffle his hair.

"Kan Mi is also not answering her phone" Jinyoung hyung said and sigh.

"Where they could be at?" Jimin said and sigh.

But i suddenly remember that i put a tracking device on Hana's phone so that i can know where she always go.
I quickly pull out my phone and check where she is.

"Jug-eum siti geoli (death city street)?" i said in confusion, Suga hyung look at me in shock.

"Why hyung?" I ask him.

"Did you just say jug-eum siti geoli?" He ask and i nodded.

"Jungkook that place is...." he said but he pause.

"What is that place, hyung? Tell me?!" I yelled because im so nervous at how Suga hyung acting right now.

"Yoongi-ah what is that?" Jb ask him.

"That place is the scariest and dangerous place that people wouldnt dare to go to" Suga hyung said. Why?

"Why hyung?" Jimin hyung ask and all of us look at him, he sigh before spoking.

"In that place so many people are been find dead and the police attemped to get them to place them at the morgue but the police also ended up being found dead and also people believe that there is this only one person that is not scared to go there and they believe that he is the one that kill all of the people that is been found there" Suga hyung explain and my heart is beating so fast. What if the one*t!

"Hyung what we are going to do?" I ask them almost tearing up.

"We need to make a plan because going there is not easy Jungkook" Suga hyung said and all of us start to plan on how we are going to go there.

Hana's POV:
I got woken up and my body is so hurt as hell, i look at my side and saw Taeyeon and Kan Mi.

"Taeyeon, Kan Mi wake up!" I shout and they are starting to woke up.

"Hana" Taeyeon look at me in shock.

"Unnie where are we?" Kan Mi ask.

"I dont know" i answer.

But suddenly the door open and it reveal a guy and he is very tall and he is wearing a coat and a mask and followed by Minyoung, Yorin and Yujin?!

"Well, my daughter said that the three of you are the one that stole their boys" this guy said and his voice sounded scary and fill with anger, hatred and revenge.

"We didnt stole them because we love eachother!" I shout and Minyoung came to me and slap me.

"You b*tch! You know what, if you didnt come earlier me and Jungkook already have s*x and i can be pregnant by him and he will leave you for me but it got ruined because of you. And you know what, my plan almost work but because of you it didnt happen!" Minyoung shout at my face *so that thing is planned by Minyoung? Im so sorry Jungkook* i thought and look at this b*tch.

"Dont call me b*tch, because YOU are the one that is a b*tch,wh*re and a slut!" I shout back and her face turn red and she slap me hard.

"Hana/unnie!" Taeyeon and Kan Mi shout.

Yujin and Yorin came to them and hold their hair tightly.

"You wh*re if you didnt come between me and Jinyoung maybe the both of us are a couple now!" Yujin shout at Kan Mi and slap her.

"And for you kim f*cking Taeyeon, you dont deserve Taehyung oppa because he deserve ME only ME!" Yorin shout and pull Taeyeon's hair tightly as before.

"F*ck you b*tch even if i die Taehyung will not love you because he only love me" Taeyeon said and smirk.

"AAAGGGHHHHH I HATE YOU JUST DIE YOU SLUT!!!" Yorin shout and slap Taeyeon.

"Girls, thats enough for now" the guy from earlier said and all of them leave us alone.

"Are you guys alright?" I ask them and they nodded.

"I really hate thos wh*res" Kan Mi said.

"We only got hope girls" Taeyeon said and i sigh *its true we only got a hope* i though.

Jungkook's POV:
Me and the others arrived at the place and its look so scary it gave me chills.

"Sh*t why its so cold!" Namjoon said while rubbing his arm.

"This look like a cemetery though" Yugyeom said.

"This place....looks so scary and dangerous" Jackson hyung said.

"Why do i feel like someone is watching us?" Jhope hyung said and all of us look around but we didnt saw anything or someone.......its just us in here.

"Lets go now before he found out that someone came to his place" suga hyung said and all of us follow him.

Hana's POV:
Sigh, they came back again but what is Minyoung, Yorin, Yujin holding from behind?

"The three of you, your time is up" Minyoung said and smirk.

"I cant wait to be with Jinyoung, i just need to kill this slut and everything is okay" Yujin said like a pyscho and Yorin look at Taeyeon.

"Tsk, what a b*tch you know i dont know why Taehyung choose you i mean im way more beautiful than you" Yorin said and Taeyeon scoff.

"And for you, this is all of your fault Hana, from the janitors closet if you just didnt open it maybe me and Jungkook are still together, but no we are not and this is all because of you" Minyoung said and i just roll my eyes.

"Mhmmm maybe you are wondering who i am right?" The guy said and all of us look at him.

The guy take off his mask and it reveal my dad's bestfriend?!

"Mr. Park?!" I shout in shock and he just smirk.

I cant believe this, mr. Park is like a second father to me i remember that he always the one that will help me with everything but now i just cant believe this.

"Why?" That word is the only thing i can spit out from my mouth.

"Hana, i didnt know that you are stupid like your father. Easy, i just pretend to be a good and kind infront of you and i never exsist your father as my bestfriend, i just want a revenge because he stole everything from me, so now i can get a revenge by killing his daughter" he said and laugh evily and these wh*res also laugh.

Minyoung take out the thing from behind her and it reveal a..........knife!?

"You are first Hana" Minyoung said and smirk, her hand is ready to stab me.

But the door suddenly burst out open and it reveal them.....



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