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Hana's POV:

-last day-(A/N: im sorry because im running out of ideas)

"Aishhh! Yah Jungkook faster, im so hungry you know" i yelled at Jungkook that is slower than a turtle anddddd i cant belive that he lay on the ground. Sh*t so many people looking at him weirdly.

I went up to him and raised a brow.

"Im so tireddddd" he whined like a child while laying on the ground. Omg did i just marry a kid?!

"I know and im also tired so come on now. AND IM HUNGRY AF" i said and he groan before getting up.

We went to this resturant and their specialty are Sushi. When we sit down the waiter approach us and he look like a pervet though.

No one's POV:
"Hey what is your order?" The waiter ask Hana and wink at her *yuppp i was right* she thought.

"Hey umm can i order your specialty here?" She ask the waiter that is looking at HER yes at HER ONLY.

Meanwhile Jungkook is there looking at the waiter that is currently flirting with Hana *how dare this waiter to flirt with my wife* he thought and clench his fist.

"Is that only your order?" The waiter ask while biting his lips at Hana and now Jungkook looks furious.

"U-uhh can i have two of those" Hana said because she notice that the waiter didnt even greet or take a glance at Jungkook.

"Sure" the waiter said and wink at Hana *seriously?!* Hana thought and look at Jungkook that is staring at the waiter and he looks like he is going to kill him anymoment.

Hana's POV:
"Jungkook?" I call his name for a million times now.

Still has no respond. Well he is currently looking at the waiter that is flirting with me just now and Jungkook's expression looks like he is about to attack his enemy. Sigh.

"Jungkook!" I yelled at his name and this time he look at me.

"Are you okay?" I ask him and he nod.

"Is it about the waiter?" I ask and he nodded like a child and gave me his puppy eye. Sh*t why its look so adorable.

"What do you really want?" I ask him.

"Pay for the food" he said and show me his bunny smile.

After some minute the waiter came back with our food, but i notice that there is some note on my drink. I grab it and read it, wow he even gave me his number. But the note got suddenly snatch away from me.

"Seriously?! Is this guy didnt know that you already married?" He said and i shook my head. Of course how on earth would he know if he keep flirting with me.

The waiter cameback and look at me and bite his lips seductively. Can i have a plastic bag? Because i think im going to puke, so please.

"Umm excuse me?" Jungkook said and tap the waiter's shoulder. The waiter look at him confused.

"FYI, she is my wife so please stop flirting with her" Jungkook said to the waiter in a scary tone.(A/N:protective much😉)

"O-okay" the waiter said and immediatly leave us.

No one's POV:
Jungkook smile in victory when the waiter is out of their sight.

"Finally what a peacefull dinner" jungkook said and start eating.

While Hana is smirking at jungkook and when jungkook look up to the smirking Hana he raised a brow.

"What?" Jungkook ask while eating a sushi.

"Are you jealous?" Hana ask while smirking and Jungkook choke on his food.

*sh*t what should i say?* Jungkook cursed on his head and finding a word to spill.

"Silence means yes so its mea--" Hana got cut by Jungkook.

"N-no" Jungkook stutter while staring at his food, but we all know that Jungkook is lying.

Hana smirk when she know that Jungkook is lying to her.

Hana's POV:
"Sure you are not jealous" i said at him in a teasing voice.

"Im not jealous okay?!" He suddenly yelled and people got shock by him and some of them even choke on their food because of Jungkook.

I trying my hardest not to laugh because Jungkook's face look so red because of embarassment. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not jealous huh?!

Jungkook apologize to the peoples and gave me a glare.

-fast forward-

We are now here at the airport waiting for our flight to be called.

And finally after sooooo many years our flight is been called. We both sit down and i text Taeyeon that we are going home and not surprisengly she is excited.

-4 hours later-

We are now had landed to seoul and its morning though.
We both get our suitcase and go to Jungkook's car, my eyes are feeling heavy and the next thing i know im already at the kpop world (A/N:okay forgive, im going to stop now).

Jungkook's POV:
We are here now at our house and i look at the sleeping Hana, i went close to her and look at her face. *she look like an angel* i thought and carry her.

I carry her to her bed and lay her down, im about to get out but she grab my wrist i look at her and her eyes are still close. And i can hear her mumble something.

"Don't leave please" i smile at her and lay beside her.

Im so shocked because she hug me and i hug her waist and we both fell asleep at her bed.

-next morning-

No one's POV:
Hana wake up first and try to roll but she cant move. *why i cant move?* she thought and look beside her, when she saw jungkook......



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