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Hana's POV:
"Wake up honey" i hear someone say and the next thing i know is im cold, so i shot my eyes open.

"MOM! What the heck?!" I shout at my mother that is smiling at me.

"You dont want to be late at school dont you?" My mom say and i groan.

"Fine" i said and drag myself to the bathroom.

I go down and saw my parents eating breakfast.

"Goodmorning mom, dad" i said to them and sit down.

"Goodmorning" both of them said.

-fast forward-

While walking i hear someone that is shouting my name so i turn around and saw my bestfriend running towards me.

"Hi Hana" she said with a smile.

"Hi Taeyeon" i said and both of us walk to the school.

While walking to the halls we hear something like kissing sounds.

"What the hell is that?" Taeyeon said and both of us walk a little bit closer.

We saw Jungkook and Minyoung eating each other's face. *gross* i thought.

"I think im going to puke" taeyeon said and i chuckle at her.

We continue walking while talking but i felt someone snake their arm around my waist.

"Goodmorning babe" someone said and i already know who it was.

I turn and kiss jackson's cheeks.

"Goodmorning" i said to him.

"Oh my god first Jungkook and Minyoung and now you and Jackson" taeyeon said annoyed.

"Dont worry you and Taehyung will do that too" Jackson said and i chuckle.

"That alien?! Hell no i rather date a dog" she said

"Who do you call an alien" Taehyung said and put his arm around taeyeon's neck but she elbow Taehyung to put his arm off.

"You, stupid" she said and walk away.

-fast forward-

Its already lunch and im arranging my things but someone shut my locker *f*ck* i cursed on my head.

I turn around and saw the person i hate the most and of course he is with his friends.

"What the f*ck do you want Jungkook?" i asked trying to control my anger.

"Nothing just want to put some makeup on your ugly face" he said and smirk and i can see that he is holding a flour and egg.

But someone pull me and its Jackson, we arrived at the cafeteria and saw Taeyeon.

"What took the both of you so long?" She asked while eating.

Jackson sigh and spoke.

"It's Bts" he said and cover his ear and so do i am.

"WHAT BTS AGAIN?!" She shout and that made some attention from the other students.

"Calm down Taeng, nothing happen because Jackson came on the right time" i said trying to calm her.

She sigh and nodded.

"But i swear if something happen to you i will kill them" she said in a scary tone, i nodded at her and eat.

-time skip-

Im walking at the hall to my locker alone because Jackson had an emergency and Taeyeon have an extra class.

While arranging my things i got slammed to the locker and saw Jungkook but he is not smirking or smiling he look more like angry.

"How dare you to run away from me!" He yelled and his grip on my shoulder become strong.

"Let me go" i said trying to get out but he just grip it tighter.

"What do yo--" i got cut when he slam his lips on mine.

Im so shock, my eyes are wide open. *what the f*ck?!" I thought and push him.

"You know that i have a f*cking boyfriend but why did you do that?!" I shout at him while wiping my lips. He just smirk and leave me.

I got home and im still mad for what Jungkook did *ughhh can i just kill him already* i thought.

"Miss Hana, mrs. Choi want you to change into your dress because you guys are going somewhere" one of our maids said, i just nod and go to my room.

Taeyeon's POV:
Why do i have an extra class, ughhh i hate it. While walking to this alley which is a bad idea, i saw two mens walking looks like they are drunk.

I succesfully walk past them but one of them grab my arm and slam me to the wall.

"Ohhhh who do we have here?" One of the mens said.

"She looks so hot" the other one said.

"F*ck off!" I shout at them and try to push them.

"Oh! Its just useless babe" the men said.

He try to kiss my neck but im trying my hardest to push them away tears are streaming donwn to my cheeks.

I felt nothing anymore so i open my eyes and saw Taehyung punching them.

"Dont you f*cking dare to touch her again!" He shout in anger and keep punching him.

"Taehyung stop it" i said to him.

He look at me and run to me, i loose a lot of energy so i fell on his arms.

"You stupid why do you choose this path" he said while hugging me.

"Sorry" i said to him.

"I will walk you home" he said and carry me.

The last thing that i know is he kiss my forehead before i closs my eyes.

Hana's POV:
We arrived at this fancy resturant and all you can see are rich people.

"Come on Hana" my mom said and i nod.

The three of us went inside the resturant and my mom walk to these two people.

"Hello mr. and mrs. Jeon" my mom said, wait Jeon?

"Hello, so is this your daughter" mrs. Jeon said and my mom nod.

"She look so pretty" she said while looking at me.

"Thank you mrs. Jeon" i said and bow at them.

"Oh come on sit down" mr. Jeon said and the three of us sit down.

"Sorry im late" someone said and that voice sound so familiar, when i look who it was its Jungkook?!


WHY HIM?! [✔]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ