Chapter 12: Geriatrics

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My little old lady -- who proudly tells me she is precisely "four foot eight -- I used to be four foot ten, but then I shrank!" -- received physiotherapy on the ward. She was kyphotic (hunch-backed, as a result of thin bones [osteoporosis] of the spine and small breaks over time so little old people get more hunched), leaning over her zimmer frame, and the physio walked beside her, one hand on the back of the lady's neck to give her some stability.

The physio had her hand at that specific spot because the physio was in her late twenties, not kyphotic, and stood at six foot. The little old lady literally came up to her waist.

It was just quite funny watching them rehab daily because it looks like an adult walking their toddler from afar, at the same speed, too.

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