Merlin and Harry Potter 5: Why Were You Here?

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All too soon, just as it always is, the break was over and it was time to return to school. Not that Emrys was truly complaining. Anything was better than having to deal with the blood supremacist, pompous, arrogant, git that was Draco Malfoy. The boy couldn't really comprehend how someone's head could be stuck so far up their own a — (let's keep it pg, shall we?). 

Not to mention the man's weird obsession with Harry and Dumbledore. Potter this, Dumbledore that, Emrys had half a mind to poison the elderly Malfoy, just to shut him up. Thankfully Emrys had managed to keep his comments to himself, with a little help from the younger Malfoy. Draco somehow knew exactly what to say to appease both parties before Emrys had done something incredibly stupid. It was a gift the boy had, really. Emrys was very impressed.

That's how he found himself on the Hogwarts Express, sitting on the floor of the overpacked compartment his friends all around him. As he listens to their talk and chatter, Emrys felt the tension from the past few days leave. He found himself grinning and gladly thanked the gods for such good friends.


It was just another meeting of the DA, they were learning patronuses. Or rather it was supposed to be just another meeting. That was until the funny little house elf appeared. Once Harry figured out what he was trying to say, it wasn't so funny anymore. Umbridge was coming. And with those two little words, Emrys swore he could taste the fear and desperation that permeated the air. Harry, being the leader, gave the order for everyone to run. They did. They read as though a pack of demons was chasing them.

As soon as everyone had cleared out Emrys trailed behind Harry as they fled. Draco was ahead of them trying to scout out a bit. It was likely he would be trusted by Umbridge. When Draco suddenly stopped Harry ran into him at almost full speed. Both the wizards went down and that was when the accursed girly voice spoke, 

     "Well done Draco!" Emrys quickly hid against the wall subconsciously making the shadows grow so as to hide him. Draco looked horrified that they'd been caught but he quickly put up his mask and began acting.

     "Of course professor, couldn't have Potter getting away now could we?" Draco spat hoisting Harry up. His acting wasn't as convincing as usual, but Emrys could afford the boy some slack. They'd all been blindsided. Emrys watched as Umbridge practically dragged Harry away ordering Draco to find any other people who looked suspicious. Before Draco could give an affirmative answer Harry and Umbridge were gone.


     "Everyone else seems to have gotten away alright," Emrys said concentrating. He'd found out that if he focused enough he could find the exact placement of other people. Everyone seemed to give off a low signature of magic, always different and unique depending on the person.

     "Good, that's good," Draco said distantly. Emrys broke his concentration and frowned at the boy.

     "Stop sounding like someone just died. They haven't, we're all still alive, it's fine. A little setback but we'll adapt." Draco sighed at Emrys' encouragement. His eyes darkened slightly and Emrys began to pick up on what was really bothering the blond.

     "There was nothing you or I could've done, not really. Not unless you wanted to attack her and that just would've made everything ten times worse. We would've lost our spy, our only advantage."

     "I'm not that big of an advantage you know."

     "You bring us information."

     "I don't actually get that much more information than you or anyone else does, you know."

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