All That I've Seen

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 The last thing I saw in the real world was Merlin's face. He had held back his tears and despair and he tried to smile for me. 

I was grateful. 

The next face I saw was of a beautiful woman. She said she was Merlin's friend. I believed her.

I continued on, and who would have believed that Gwaine would be the first to join me. We found Elyan and Lancelot near a cliff. We joined them and started to watch.

I watch as my precious Guinevere becomes strong and leads the lands to peace. As Percival and Leon stay with her, more loyal than ever before. I welcome Gaius, and Hunith as they come to join us and watch.

I see as Merlin extends my friends lives past their normal limits. I watch as it fails, and he loses everything. I can do nothing but watch as he struggles to keep the kingdom standing. In the end it fades.

Guinevere is by my side once more, and she sighs as we watch our friend live on. I watch as he loves people, only to have them snatched away, and break him again, and again. The people he's touched with his life join us as we watch. It seems like barely a moment to me, but already it has been many years.

I see Merlin rise to the challenge and fight through. I see his exhaustion and pain. Still I can do nothing. We send him good dreams. It's the best we can do.

I watch as my best friend slowly slips into insanity. I see clearly every time he is beaten, burned, and left to die. I watch as he gets back on his feet, and trudges on. He cries because he can't join us. I cry because he wants to.

I watch as he saves the world time and time again. As he starts to finally age. I watch as he walks past my grave, barely stopping at all.

Then I feel something rather than simply see. 

I open my eyes, a sensation I've not felt for years, and see Merlin in front of me. I look in his eyes and see what I have watched has taken its toll. He is broken and desperate. He thinks this is just a dream. 

The woman I first saw appears. She takes Merlin's hand and hugs him tight. His eyes start to shatter. He believes. I smile at him and I watch his joy. For the first time in centuries I speak to the man I've watched over,



Merlin belongs to the BBC

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