Law and Order: Merlin

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To keep you all moderately interested in this book thing here is a one shot I sort of made when trying to be funny on a comment conversation on Mary_the_Equestrian Merlin Oneshots.

Merlin AU, where Merlin owns a law firm and must defend a one Arthur Pendagon from prosecution by the slightly crazy but wise judge Kilgarrah. His opponent is Morgana who is representing Mordred Drid. Slight crack. Definitely NO slash!

(Also this probably won't be anything like real court, because I've never been in one, I'm still a teen, so sorry for inaccuracy!)

"So you admit that what you saw may have been false? That you may have been mistaken due to sleep deprivation, and a cloudy moonless night?"

"I-well-I-uh, yeah, yeah I guess you could say my vision wasn't perfect that night, bu-"

"Thank you, your honor I have no more questions for the witness." Merlin Emyrd stepped back to his seat next to his client gathering his papers, keeping a calm expression of kindness, curiosity, but also determination. He knew his client was innocent, he always knew. It was a strange gift he'd had since he was a child, being able to tell when someone was lying. Not just in the 'I have a peculiar feeling' sense either. It was almost as though he'd been able to read a persons mind. It was because of this he had won every case thrown at him, not because of talent per say but because he always chose innocent clients. Arthur Pendragon was more than innocent, he was almost naive to a fault. Merlin doubted anyone would be able to accuse him of murder.

"Cross examination?" The judge, Kilgarrah, asked Morgana. A muscle in her face twitched and her eyes were furious as she said no.

She glared at Merlin for making her eyewitness seem unreliable. She herself may not believe that this Arthur was guilty, but there was something about him that made her want to hang him out to dry. She hid her frustration from her face the best she could, and nodded at Mr.Drid reassuringly. He took the hint and tried to look impassive. Her sparkling eyes glanced over the jury quickly before looking at her papers in front of her. No need to show panic, that would only make the jury think that she couldn't handle it and that perhaps Arthur was innocent. She didn't want that to happen. It took her a moment to realize the judge was speaking.

"-the fate of Arthur Pendragon is now up to the minds of the jury." The wrinkled old man slammed his gavel and the men and woman in the jury seats walked into a small room.

As the jury disappeared Merlin smiled kindly at them, making sure not to make it seem he was trying to charm them, but that he was being respectful. A few returned grins, and some even nodded. 

Throughout the court session Merlin had made note of every jury member. Two older men, who seemed to know each other, definitely favored him and Arthur. If he remembered correctly their names were Gaius and Uther. A man and woman, Cenred and Morgause, Merlin thought their names were seemed to favor Morgana and Mordred. Then there was Mithian, and Guinevere two young woman who both seemed neutral in their own rights. However Ms.Guinevere seemed to have warmed up to Arthur slightly. Two younger men seemed to also favor Arthur, exept perhaps the one called Daegal, Merlin recalled he had seemed to glare at Arthur more than Mordred. The other, Gilli, seemed pleased with everything though for a while there, Merlin had also thought he was about to lose him. The last four were different Merlin thought, as they hadn't seemed to really pay attention to the clients but more the lawyers. They seemed to study him more than Morgana, but when he occasionally glanced their way he couldn't make out what they were possibly thinking. Two were men, and two were women. As he mulled over them he thought about their expressions and thought that Mr.Gryffindor and Ms.Hufflepuff seemed readily able and willing to come to Arthur's aid. Mr.Slytherin, and Ms.Ravenclaw seemed to take slower eyeing the two arguing companies with strong wits. In his mind he saw the odds favor up for Arthur.

Morgana had always had a way of influencing people, she didn't know how she did it but when she wanted something done people always seemed to do as she asked with perhaps more gusto than needed. So as the jury passed her way she thought on specific thought with all the emotion she could muster. Arthur Pendragon is GUILTY. So as the jury finally came out and started to announce their sentence, it came to no surprise to her that Mr.Gaius pronounced Arthur Pendragon,

"Guilty" Kilgarrah nodded and turned to the court.

"Arthur Pendragon you are hereby sentenced to lifelong imprisonment for the murder of Kara Drid. Take him away." Morgana watched in glee as the blonde haired man was pulled away, his face pale, and eyes gaunt. She turned and studied Merlin who hadn't seemed to move a muscle. His face was calm and she couldn't sense anything from him. Suddenly he sat up and smiled.

"Well, if that's the way you're going to play, Morgana, I may as well play dirty too." He looked at her and with a jerk of the head she felt herself fly away, and away, and away . . .

Everyone in the courtroom stood in shock at the dead body of the lawyer Morgana. Merlin still smiled and said simply,

"Well if Arthur's gonna be punished why not her too? She is after all the one who truly murdered Miss Kara, and seeing as none of you were going to do a thing about it I thought I would." He shrugged simply, gathered up his things and stopped in front of Arthur and the bailiff. He held out his hand,

"Coming or not?" The Pendragon woke from his daze and took Merlins hand. With that they walked out of the building side by side as friends once more.

Nobody left in the building moved too much in shock. Suddenly Merlin poked his head and said,

"Oh yeah, Kilgarrah time to go." With that the old judge started to laugh and strolled forward scales already forming on his body.

"As you command young warlock, but just for good measure . . ." He turned and breathed fire toward a still Mordred. The young man was gone in a second. Merlin sighed,

"Do we really have to? I mean Morgana's gone, so . . ." He looked at Kilgarrah and rolled his eyes before muttering an incantation. Uther, Morgause, and Cenred disappeared quite suddenly and no one wanted to know where they'd gone.

"Oh yeah, before I forget, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw be careful, and in the next few months you might want my services for real estate here's my card." A small card fluttered into Rowena's hands as the four stood mouth agape at the man who finally disappeared from the building. Hopefully he wasn't coming back soon, either. A roar and a few whoops were all that signaled the departure of the King, the Warlock and the Dragon.


Years later Guinevere was in need of legal assistance. She went to Europe on a tip that there was the best lawyer in the world there. She stopped outside a building and as she read the sign, she smiled slightly at memories from long ago of a blonde man, a warlock lawyer, and a dragon judge filled her head. She stepped inside the building marked,

Artherlinahlaw: What do we do? We save your royal backsides, that's what we do!

The End

Like, hate, weird, totally INSANE? Hey my fic my rules, hehe.

~ Sereh Tobi out

J.K. Rowling owns the four founders, and the BBC owns Merlin

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