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Allie sits down next to her best friend. 

Most of the girls already left for holidays, but the Harrys are still here. They spent the three last days getting ready for their big road-trip, that involves Portland - their favorite city in the world ever since they were kid - and donuts. The two partners in crime are set to leave in three weeks, just the time for Tobin to go back to her family, and Allie to monitor at a soccer camp here in UCLA. 

Tobin smirks at her friend. 

"At least we know what we are going to talk during the car ride" the middy lets out in her usual chill voice. 

Allie rolls her eyes. 

"You mean, except the silly songs I'll force you to listen to ?" she asks, teasing her best friend. 

"We have a team to captain, so I guess : tactics, trials, team mindset... You know" Tobin says, ignoring her friend's stupid remark. 

The blonde smiles. 

"I know it stresses you out. But we'll do just fine. I mean, what could happen after an unsolved crime and a murder in one semester ?" 

That makes the two best friends burst into laughter, before Allie wraps her arm around the other girl's shoulder, only to mess with her like they used to do so many years ago. Some things never change, the blonde thinks to herself.

UCLA is in good hands.  


hey guys

thanks for reading this book, this was the last chapter...

... only for a short amount of time because I am preparing book 2 for you

I wanted to thank each and every person that read the book, even those who never vote, thus I don't know who they are. You made me feel very special for some minutes per day, and it means the world to me to make you guess the plot twists and then realize I have a twisty mind because I never think the same thing than you lol. 

The next book will be out in a matter of weeks. I just had one question : Do you want only the UCLA storyline, or also the Stanford one

See you very soon my loooaaaves, keep the votes and comment going !   

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