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"Can I talk to you ?"

Melissa Henderson is nervously playing with her hands, as Becky exchanges a look with her girlfriend, who only nods. The defender then does the same, before following the forward out of the hospital room where Shelina is spending her final day before going home in Canada for a few weeks (or days).

The current situation is quite tensed, to be honest. Hope Solo is still in custody, but not for long since her boyfriend Jerramy is a rich guy and is about to pay for her release. Then, Ashlyn and her new pals are working on something to disqualify UCLA from the tournament, so that they'd be sure to win the whole thing. In addition to that, Carli Lloyd is operating some changes in her team, as some players - who are rumored to want to escape the team - are being told they can't leave, threatened.

When the forward turns on Becky, she has a concerned look in her eyes. The Bruins captain crosses her arms against her chest, waiting for the blonde to speak. She knows that girl saved Kailen's life, and that she somehow is a good person, which makes her want to actually listen to anything she has to say.

Melissa takes a deep breath, before saying :

"Look" but her voice somehow breaks, as someone is walking by them. Once that doctor is gone, she continues : "I know you don't like me just because I'm in Stanford. But I needed to speak with you. It's also about Shelina."

"What about her ?" Becky immediately asks, concerned.

"There is something you need to know, but she doesn't want to talk to you about it" the forward sums up, as Becky is following her in another room. Once they're alone, the door closed, Melissa looks at the girl, doubtful. "I know you want to keep her safe, and I - along with some girls of the team - want that too, because she is my friend. So I need you to promise we'll be able to work together in order to achieve that and keep her away from some people."

Becky doesn't even have to think one more second.


All she wants is her girlfriend to be safe. No matter what she did in the past, Becky just can't stand the idea of them getting after her. They can't act right now because they have their hands tied with Hope in jail and the investigation going on, so that leaves them time. And Melissa knows that too.

Once Melissa hands her an envelope, Becky takes a deep breath, looking at the blonde, making sure she can trust her. Of course she knows how important Shelina is to Melissa : the two girls have been friends since kindergarten. She then takes the envelope Melissa just gave her and opens it : Hope Solo's face immediately appears to her, but that's not it : Christie Rampone is on the picture as well, some diploma in hands. It was about three years go.

Becky frowns.

This is what Shelina knew about Rampone, she thinks to herself, her mind running 100% at the moment. She then smirks : it means Shelina told Melissa about what she knew, and that whoever found that picture only had to find a proof of what they thought would lead to a huge secret. And what a secret it indeed is. Rampone already graduated from USC three years ago, which means she doesn't have the right to play at Stanford, and that Stanford cheated by allowing her to play, knowing she already graduated.

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