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The day after the game, on their day-off, Tobin decides to skip that dumb team-committee - where they probably are going to talk about the incident that occurred earlier, and the middy clearly doesn't care about those Stanford gals enough to hear about them even when they don't play against them - and join Laure.

Ever since the French arrived in UCLA two years ago, as Tobin was a sophomore, the two girls have grown closer and closer. Even though nothing happened between the two of them - something Tobin is quite happy about, because she likes it how they are getting to know each other deep inside by taking their time - they both are aware of the situation. Before Laure, Tobin would just hook up with whatever girl she'd find. Those past two years, she seriously slowed down her love interests. She would only spend her parties with either of friends, or Laure through texts.

Allie, who has known Tobin for almost 20 years now, immediately knew something was the cause for Tobin's change. She also appears to know that Tobin's past could actually scare the French girl. So when she finally got Tobin to admit she had a crush on Laure, she warned her friend. Now, Allie can proudly say she is the only person knowing about them ; well, there are rumors here and there.

After a little walk, Tobin finally finds her way to Laure's dorm : she is rooming with her best friend, Sabrina Delannoy, who also appears to be French and cool. As Tobin is about to knock at the door, it opens and she finds herself face to face with Sabrina.

The French girl smirks.

"Hey, you can go in. She's under the shower and will be ready in five." Sabrina says, and once again Tobin is amazed by how her French accent has vanished with time.

Laure's, on the other hand, is still here, and incredibly sexy, Tobin thinks to herself, before focusing again.

"Kay, thanks dude" she lets out.

"Anytime, have fun !" Sabrina shouts, before walking down the stairs. She then suddenly realizes she forgot to say something : "Please remind her she has to be here at 4 pm for the volleyball reunion !"

"Will do."

After Sabrina disappears from her sight, Tobin nonchalantly closes the door behind her and sits down on the bed.

Then, something on Laure's desk draws her attention : it's a photograph of her and Tobin, the first time they've met. It was at the university's marathon, and they found themselves running next to each other for hours. Tobin would always remember their instant connection, and the fact that Laure was and is still the only girl Tobin likes more than a friend or random person in her life.

Lost in her thoughts, Tobin doesn't hear the shower stop and the door open. It's only when she hears a loud cry, and turns around that she is snapped out of her thoughts. Laure is here, a towel covering her body, scared to death : she wasn't expecting her. She probably also thought that Sabrina was gone and that she would be alone. Tobin, on the other hand, just starts laughing, and Laure throws a shampoo at her.

The French then rolls her eyes

"Damn, I thought we said rendez-vous at 2" Laure sighs out, rolling her eyes at her American friend.

"We did" Tobin confirms, smirking.

"Then why are you here one hour early ?"

"Well, training got cut short so I figured we could spend more time together" she explains, innocently shrugging.

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