"W-wonshik? Is that you?" you furrow your eyebrow as your brain started to remember him. A dark shadow that sneaked into the palace years ago.

"I might be a dark shadow but I'm an educated dark shadow. Since you saved me from death back then, I'll try to help you." He said as he approaching you and took out a necklace before show it to you. This is a countdown timer for you. I can give you 613 years only to find your lover but after you find him the countdown timer will be set to a hundred days.

You only had 100 days to makes him recognize you. If you success, you will be free from my spell and you can do whatever you want next but if you failed, then you will faded away forever and he will never remember about you. You will live as bright shadow and since he might not be able to see you, you can use a half-breed's body to help you and of course it's your job to find a half-breed either because as we both know they're one in a million. So, if you agree with this, I'll just turn on the timer and put the spell on you." He explain and you were thinking hard.

It will be so hard to find a half-breed, but it will be harder to makes Taehyung recognize you. Can you just tell him about who you are when you able to meet him.

"Oh, and one more important thing. For your information, all of your guardian angels well except, Jin, already lost their memories, some has turned into vampires some into bright shadows. That's including Taehyung, which means you can't just tell him about who you are, I never experience it by myself but I bet it will hurt him physically and mentally. So you better don't take the risk." He added as if he can read your mind.

Without thinking twice you nod, it's not like you have any other option left. Smirking, he put the necklace on you and whisper his spell to you and sneak you out, sending you to earth.

"As long as you wear that necklace, Jin and Jaehwan won't be able to track you. Now we're even. I don't owe you anymore." He said the last time before he left you to start your long journey on earth to find back your destiny, Kim Taehyung.


"That's why, I can't tell him directly. I can't risk that." you said after you tell them everything but they just stay silent with indescribable expression.

"Is it a real story I heard just now or is it some fairytale story that written on the fantasy novel?" Hyejin asked with straight expression.

"I think it's real, Hyejin. I want to believe that it's a nightmare but it is not." You shake your head before look up at them full of hope, "So, let's start to do something. There's no much time left."

But before three of you move, Taehyung appear out of the blue which makes you, Hyejin and Rise shocked.

"Hyejin, right? Can we talk for awhile?" Taehyung who still wearing his drenched clothes looking straight at Hyejin, and at the same time suddenly,

"Hyejin, I-" Jimin arrives and stare at Taehyung coldly. "What is he doing here?" He asked Hyejin and turn to Taehyung. "I told you to stay away from her!"

"W-wait, Jimin, it's not like that!" Hyejin said and about to stop Jimin.

"Hyejin, let's talk to Taehyung first. Please." you plead slowly and Hyejin who heard you what you just said turn back to Jimin with apologetic looks.

"Jimin, I'm sorry. I'll just talk to Taehyung for awhile. I'll text you later, okay?" Hyejin said and Jimin nod before let out a sigh.

"I'll see you later then." Jimin said to her before purposely bumping onto Taehyung on his way while glaring at him.


"If only I can go back for one day, if I can live that day. If only I can turn back the words and actions that hurt you. If only I can make you less lonely and hug you tight. I would never let go of your hand again. Damn it, why I didn't know back then?"

"If I held onto you, would things be different?" She smirk.

"Even if I leave you, it's you anyway, Dahye. It's you."

What would happen in Chapter 8 ?
Who's talking with Dahye?

What will Taehyung say to Hyejin?
Will Yoonji makes Taehyung remember her before the 100th days?

Disguised Wings 《BTS FANTASY AU!》'Mischievous Angel' Sequel ✓Where stories live. Discover now