Chapter 22

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Regina nervously moved on the stool, impatient and anxious at the same time. That bloody servant wouldn't hurry up braiding those stupid white flowers around her head. The dress was squeezing her chest, choking her. Or maybe it was just the anxiety. She looked in the mirror. The killer stare that her reflection gave her almost made the servant have an heart attack.
«I-I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I'm doing as fast as I can.» the girl apologized, contrite. Regina sighed, forcing herself to calm down. Even because she would kill her, otherwise.
«Yes, I know...» she said, and for some reason the girl smiled at her, even if she didn't dare saying anything.

Emma uslessly tried to let out the corset of her dress, cursing between clenched teeth.
«I hate these bloody things...» she muttered, resigning herself to breath with just half lung. She blowed upwards moving a lock of hair that had fallen over her face. She glanced at the mirror. She felt ridiculous with that dress, but at the same time she liked it. White had always looked good on her, and that day it looked even better. She touched the delicate silver embroideries that had caught her attention. The white feathers tickled her neck.
«Worry not, Your Highness, you look beautiful.» Odette reassured her, smiling at her through the mirror. Emma turned to look at the servant and ave her a grateful smile, but she was still feeling nervous.
«Regina is beautiful. I'm just wearing a beautiful dress.» she corrected her without giving her the time to object, then. «And I can't wait to see her, so I'd better be going.» she said right before lifting the skirt and walking out of the room. She quickly reached the throne room. It was illuminated by so many candles, and full of white flowers. The ministrant was already waiting for her on the raised stage, respectfully far from the black throne. Emma walked between the two wings of servants and guards and joined him; the man smiled at her.
«You look beautiful, Your Highness.» he adulated her, and she smiled at him.
«Thank you.»
She turned to look at the crowd and met Lily's dark stare. Emma smirked at her, and the girl evidently forced herself to do the same, without much success. The princess moved her gaze from her to meet the light-blue, sombre eyes of her mother. Despite everything, Maleficent gave her a sincere smile. She took the fact to loose Regina as a price for having her daughter back with her, and she had surrendered after a long talk with the Queen.
Emma waited, as is tradition. Her title was less important than Regina's, so she had to wait for her arrival.
Regina wasn't late. The doors down the hall opened, and the Queen made her entrance. Emma was mouth agape. The dress was amazing. The white fabric was heavy, finely embroidered. The wide sleeves let her shoulders naked, and its hem was embroidered with golden threads. The high and complex hairdo was enlighted by the tiny crown forged in light silver lines, obscured by the shiny diamonds mounted on it.
But more than the dress, mire than the hairstyle, was her gaze that left emma speechless. Her dark eyes were shimmering with happiness and emotion, and, above all, love. With her eyes already wet Emma watched her walk the aisle until she joined her. They interlocked their fingers together, looking in each other's eyes.
The ministrant made his speech in favour of the guests, then spoke to them.
Regina smiled looking at Emma.
«Forever from this day.» she said. A tear escaped the blonde's control.
«Emma, do you appear before this woman as bride and not as heir of your father's throne, for your souls to be united in holy matrimony, forever from this day?»
Emma smiled, moved.
«Forever from this day.»
The ministrant turned for a second to grab a red velvet pillow. On it two identical white gold rings shined, a diamond set on each one. The two women took them and put them on each other finger with trembling hands.
«With this ring I bind my life to yours. May every smile of yours be mine, may every tear of yours be mine.» the brunette said looking in her wet eyes. Emma did the same, then was the ministrant who spoke.
«May nobody dare to divide what love has joined.» he concluded. The crowd exploded into a deafening ovation.
The two women smiled at each other, then emma jumped on Regina hugging her and kissing her.

The crow pecked three times at the queen's window, making her give a start. Snow gave it a suspicious stare, but when she noted the tiny scroll tied to its foot she opened the window and took it delicately in her hands, pulling the scroll out of the tiny iron cylinder. She quicly opened the message. Only two people used to send ravens instead of pidgeons, and she didn't like any of them. She goggled recognising the handwriting. It was her daughter's.

Queen Snow and King David,

this letter is to inform you about the officiated wedding between Queen Regina of the Northern Lands and the ex Princess, now Queen Emma of the Western Lands. May this union finally bring peace between the kingdoms.
Trusting Your loyalty, the Queens now declare open the pathways between the lands. May the blood never stain these lands again.

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