Part 2-1: Turn Down Service

Start from the beginning

She smirked a bit. "I see. Alright, then, but I'll send in Tiona to help her. She doesn't need another man around her right now, or ever, really."

I nodded. "That's fine... oh? And ask Tiona if she's got any... womanly things. I only gave her a shirt of mine to wear." I asked gently.

She smiled. "Indeed. I'll handle it. You just make sure she stays. We women of the Loki Familia have been doing this for a long time, if... differently. I'm happy that you also care."

"I don't. Other people's lives are none of my business... I just have a soft spot for cripples, and broken things." I closed my door before she could respond.

I knocked on the door to the bathroom gently. "Miss Alex, do you need anything?" I asked. She didn't respond, but I could hear her breathing heavily, almost like she was about to cry, though no sobbing came.

I nodded slowly. "Take all the time you need." Then I sat down on my bed, and leaned against the wall, breathing out a song to soothe my nerves.

"🎵Muse d'arte,
Muse del suono,
Muse del pensiero,
Si riuniscono intorno.🎵"

Again, my timber filled the space around me, filling me with a peaceful feeling. I heard her breathing gentle a bit, and Tiona knocked on the door gently, ruining it.

I sighed. "Come on in, Woman." I said clearly, more for Alex's benefit. She opened the door, and looked around. I pointed at the bathroom, and she nodded, walking over. "Alex, the woman at the door is Tiona, an Amazon." I said simply.

The door to the bathroom cracked open, and Tiona slipped in like a snake. "Well hello! Let's get you cleaned up, huh?" She closed the door, and I laid on my back, closing my eyes. I decided to use my time wisely, and thought of a different rhyme to make into a song. I settled for English Poetry, sighing.

"Sweet Frigga of the spinning wheel.
Who spins the strands we call our life.
Your love, so strong, so very real.---
You've answered my lonely appeal.
Though in sad seclusion I do live.
Sweet Frigga of the spinning wheel.---
In a world both mundane and surreal.
You've succored me, my goddess.
Your love, so strong, so very real.---
Your kindly blessings I do feel.
Having happily felt your fair grace.
Sweet Frigga of the spinning wheel.---
Frith, frugality and women's weals
Are the gifts you shower down.
Your love, so strong, so very real.---
My troth I give, though I do not kneel.
Sweet Frigga of the spinning wheel.
Your love, so strong, so very real."

The poem flowed out of me, giving itself meaning, and I took that as a sign. 'A song about Frigga, thanking her for creating love... interestingly specific.' I hummed. 'Then again, it could be that I'm destined to be her friend... well, I'd be okay with that. I don't have enough friends as it is.'

I tried hard to ignore the sounds of Tiona teasing the girl, and decided to distract myself. I sat in the chair that sat next to my bed, and kicked my feet up, opening my book of puzzles, which had been in my back pocket when we came through the portal.

"Hmmm... 1-4-3-5-7-6-9-2-8 should be the first row..." I murmured.


The bathroom door opened, and Tiona led Alex out, setting her on my bed gently. "You need anything, girl, I'm just upstairs, room 417." She patted the taller woman's cheek, and then glanced at me. "And no funny business!"

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